
  • 网络private production
  1. 第三章,从风景名胜资源管理现状说明自然旅游地产品私人生产的现实性。

    Chapter 3 indicates that the private production of tour goods in natural scenic sites is real because the management institution and the law do not forbid do so .

  2. 私人生产、政府付费或补贴、公众消费模式是城市公共设施融资中一种吸引私人投资的较好模式。

    The mode of producing by the private , paying by the government and consuming by the public is a better one to attract private investment .

  3. 政府可以直接生产高速公路,也可以委托给私人生产,通过征税和安排预算为私人生产提供资金;

    Freeway is not only produced by government but also produced by private in the way of government commission and bankroll could be provided for private by tax collection and budget arrangement ;

  4. 要实现从生产建设型财政向公共财政的转变,政府财政应理性地退出私人商品生产领域,而转向为公众提供公共商品和公共服务。

    To complete transformation from constructive finance to public finance , government must withdraw from sphere of private goods and transfer to offer public goods and public service .

  5. 通过对公共物品与私人物品生产、供应方式的差异角度进行的分析,得出了较之私人物品供应,公共物品供应一般效率较低的结论,从而肯定了建立公共管理体制的必要性与必然性。

    Based on analyzing the difference in the production and supply patterns between public and private goods , the author comes to the conclusion that public goods supply is generally inefficient compared with private goods , and thus it is necessary to build up a public administration system .

  6. 高等教育的私人性和生产性使市场化理财成为可能;

    The properties of privacy and productivity of higher education makes market financing possible ;

  7. 袋熊河酒厂是一家独立的私人公司以生产优质葡萄酒作为一门艺术。

    Wombat Creek Winery is an independent privately owned company producing fine wine as an art .

  8. 基础建设投资以其对总需求的直接效应,对私人部门经济生产成本降低的间接效应,以及以其道路网络的溢出效应,对经济发展产生着重要影响。

    Infrastructure investment adds gross demands , indirectly lowers production costs in private sector , and spills benefits over the whole economy .

  9. 政府不仅在从事竞争性私人物品的生产中存在着失灵,在公共事务方面,政府也有失灵之处;市场不仅在提供公共物品上存在着失灵,在提供私人物品时,市场也有一些功能缺陷。

    Government is fail not only in the production of competitive personal effects , but also in the public affairs . The market is not only in providing on the public goods to have the malfunction , but also in the personal effects .

  10. 我的研究已经表明,由于劳动力短缺导致蓝领劳动者的薪资提高,私人消费占国内生产总值(GDP)的比例有所上升。

    my research has shown that as labour shortages have led to higher wages for blue-collar workers , private consumption has risen as a share of gross domestic product .

  11. 对私人信息产品的生产提供补贴;

    Secondly , subsidies are provided to the private information products .

  12. 它只向那些私人资本不能为生产投资提供资金的成员国贷款。

    It makes loans to member nations where private capital is not available to finance productive investment .

  13. 这是人所共知的跨国公司承担的一个主要部分,世界上的私人研发工作和生产,拥有和控制世界上大多数的先进技术。

    It is well known that multinational corporations ( MNCs ) undertake a major part of the world 's private R & D efforts and production , own and control most of the world 's advanced technology .

  14. 关于私人产品类油菜生产技术,追求效用最大化是技术供需双方的根本动力,供需均衡主要受制于价格及技术的实施成本、技术的成熟程度与生命周期、技术的实施效果等因素。

    When it came to private product rape production technology , pursuing utility maximization was technology basic power of supply side and demand side . Balance of supply and demand mainly subject to price and technology application cost , technology maturity degree and life cycle , the technical effect factors .

  15. 许多家庭必须从私人水罐车那里购买冲刷和洗涤用水,从私人生产商那里购买饮用水。

    Many households must buy water for flushing and washing from private tankers , and drinking water from private producers .

  16. 新型媒介游离于大众文化媒介,往往和私人生活、隐秘阅读相互关联,致力于私人主体想象的生产,从而导致私媒文化的生成。

    The new media are often related with private life and secrete reading , and are devoted themselves to the production of the imagination of private subjects , thus becoming a culture of private media .