
The capitalists are reaping rich harvest from their monopolistic ownership .
Private Economics is the profit-oriented economy form based on production material privately owned and labor employment .
The capitalists are reaping rich harvest from their monopolistic ownership . Capitalism is based on private ownership .
If the animals stray onto private land , the landowner may require the government to retrieve them .
The private ownership of led to polarization between rich and poor along with the increasing accumulation of social wealth expanding .
The basic reason of this socialization lies in the contradiction between the socialization of production and private personal holding form .
The rise of private property in herds and articles of luxury led to exchange between individuals , to the transformation of products into commodities .
Credit not only intensified the contradiction between the socialization of production and private ownership , but also greeted the capitalist profit-taking to an extreme nature .
The contradiction between the socialize production and the capitalist private ownership become the basic social contradiction gradually and with the development of productivity it became increasingly sharp .
Its roots in the socialization of production and the means of production , the contradiction between the capitalist private ownership , that is the basic contradiction of capitalism .
This section has three smaller sections : the farmers rise to cadre entrepreneurs ; the behavior of elites in the capital restructuring ; how the superiority results in the occupancy by the privates .
The development of contemporary capitalism has manifested unbalance : America scrupulously abides by traditional models of a unitary private ownership system and the policy of income allotment which is inclined to the rich ;
But , modernization did not find a way to loosen the fast knot of socialization of capitalistic production socialization and the private ownership of the means of production . so , the social transformation is unavoidable .
However , the inherent contradiction of capitalism , the basic contradiction of socialized production and private ownership of production means makes it impossible to keep the proportion between the two important divisions of social production , which leads to the breakout of economic crises .
With the international expansion of capitalist relations of production throughout the world , the contradictions between socialized production and the private ownership of the means of production will intensify , and the globalized capitalist relations of production will inevitably hinder the further development of social productivity .
It holds that the real area protected by copyright is the exclusive one occupied by private entities while the unprotected is public domain .
Capital has the nature of exclusiveness and capital is private .