
xùn sù
  • rapid;fast;quick;prompt;expeditious;swift;speedy;immediacy;sharpish
迅速 [xùn sù]
  • [rapid;swift;quick;fast] 快速

  • 迅速的援助

迅速[xùn sù]
  1. 浸泡在冷水中导致热量迅速散失。

    Immersion in cold water resulted in rapid loss of heat .

  2. 细胞的繁殖导致有机体的迅速生长。

    Multiplication of cells leads to rapid growth of the organism .

  3. 出租汽车载着他们迅速驶往市中心。

    The cab speeded them into the centre of the city .

  4. 我们不得不迅速适应新制度。

    We have had to adapt quickly to the new system .

  5. 这种新型胶水可迅速粘牢各种材质的面板。

    This new glue bonds a variety of surfaces in seconds .

  6. 现代计算机能迅速处理大量的信息资料。

    Modern computers can organize large amounts of data very quickly .

  7. 这个俱乐部自从1990年成立以来发展迅速。

    The club has grown rapidly since its inception in 1990 .

  8. 我迅速抬头瞥了一眼看是谁进来了。

    I glanced up quickly to see who had come in .

  9. 法国的赛跑选手正从内圈迅速赶上来。

    The French runner is coming up fast on the inside .

  10. 那是他迅速致富的另一种计谋。

    It 's another of his schemes to get rich quick .

  11. 戴夫迅速地瞟了一下最后一页。

    Dave took a quick peep at the last page .

  12. 他们后来状态恢复迅速,终于得分了。

    After a furious late rally , they finally scored .

  13. 他们迅速设法远离抗议者。

    They quickly sought to distance themselves from the protesters .

  14. 她开车迅速离去,记者们则在后面穷追不舍。

    She sped away in her car with journalists in hot pursuit .

  15. 他迅速挡在梅尔和门口之间。

    He quickly interposed himself between Mel and the doorway .

  16. 她迅速有效地处理全部来往信件。

    She deals with all the correspondence promptly and efficiently .

  17. 他们胜利的消息迅速传遍了全世界。

    News of their triumph was flashed around the world .

  18. 我们期望未来两年内市场会迅速发展。

    We expect the market to mushroom in the next two years .

  19. 他迅速离去以避免见到她。

    He made a quick exit to avoid meeting her .

  20. 她一走上台紧张情绪便迅速消失了。

    Her nervousness quickly disappeared once she was on stage .

  21. 在电影的最后半个小时里,故事情节迅速了结。

    In the last half-hour of the movie the plot rapidly self-destructs .

  22. 我们已创造了快速处理订单的方法以便迅速将货物送达顾客。

    We have developed rapid order processing to expedite deliveries to customers .

  23. 只是因为守门员反应迅速,球才没有进。

    Only the goalkeeper 's reflexes stopped the ball from going in .

  24. 新的递送服务迅速走红。

    The new delivery service has taken off in a big way .

  25. 借助高温和大风,火势迅速蔓延。

    Aided by heat and strong winds , the fire quickly spread .

  26. 警察迅速采取行动来消除谣言。

    The police moved quickly to dispel the rumours .

  27. 贝尔迅速插进禁区助攻,创造了这次进球的机会。

    Bell 's flick into the penalty area helped to create the goal .

  28. 跟上迅速的变化是很困难的。

    It is difficult to keep up with the rapid pace of change .

  29. 我等待时迅速浏览了一下报告。

    I had a quick flip through the report while I was waiting .

  30. 我迅速拆开包裹,往里瞥了一眼。

    I quickly untied the package and peeped inside .