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xùn jié
  • fast;quick;agile
迅捷 [xùn jié]
  • [fast;agile;quick] 迅速敏捷

迅捷[xùn jié]
  1. 以XML(可扩展标记语言)为基础的发展起来的可扩展企业报告语言(XBRL)实现了网络财务报告的标准化,使财务信息的获取、交换、再利用更为迅捷。

    The eXtensible Business Reporting Language ( XBRL ) that based on XML ( eXtensible Markup Language ) has realized the standardization of the Internet Financial Reports , and make the gaining , exchanging and re-using the financial information more fast .

  2. 血液测试的方法成本低廉,报告迅捷。

    The blood tests are low-cost and produce fast results .

  3. 要打开一个“迅捷菜单”,请在点按的同时按住control键。

    To open a " shortcuts menu ," hold the control key down as you click .

  4. 您也可以通过按住control键并点按桌面,然后从迅捷菜单选取“更改桌面背景”来更改背景。

    You can also change the background by pressing the control key and clicking the desktop , then choosing change desktop background from the shortcut menu .

  5. 这使得Web应用程序更为迅捷地回应用户动作,并避免了在网络上发送那些没有改变过的信息。

    This makes Web applications more rapidly respond to user actions , and avoid the network to send information on those who are not changed .

  6. 机器人化迅捷装配技术与系统基于PLC控制的机器人化炉渣装载机

    Robotization Agile Assembly Technologies and Systems The Robotization Scraper Based on PLC for Cleaning slag in Steel Works

  7. Internet网络上有着丰富的食品化学检验资料,从Internet网络上检索资料方便迅捷。

    There is a great amount of food-chemistry inspection information on the Internet . It is convenient and quick to gather material from the Internet .

  8. 这些SCAR标记的建立,为黑木耳栽培菌株的鉴定提供了准确可靠和迅捷方便的新途径。

    These SCAR markers provide a new preciser and rapider way for strain identification of A. auricula .

  9. 正如往常一样,新版iPhone将搭载更为迅捷的处理器,摄像头也将升级。

    As usual , Apple will pack the new phones with a faster processor and an improved camera .

  10. 由于网络技术的飞速发展,IP传真以其低廉的价格和迅捷的通信方式受到了广大用户的重视。

    Due to the rapid development of the Internet technology , IP Fax gets many customer 's attention with its cheap price and convenient communication type .

  11. 保卫部门实施现代CI战略,必须树立积极向上的保卫部门精神理念,建立良好的行为识别系统,创立独特的视觉识别系统,建立迅捷有效的信息发散回馈机制。

    In order to implement modern CI strategy , positive ideals , unique visual recognition system , effective and rapid response mechanism should be established .

  12. 使用了ATL技术和oleDB技术使得客户端与服务器的信息传递更迅捷;

    ATL and OLE DB were employed to make it faster for the connection between clients and the server ;

  13. 像Skype这样的服务同样从灵巧设备的播散和光速般迅捷的接入性能上得利。

    Services such as Skype have also benefited from the spread of smart devices and lightning-fast connectivity .

  14. 它对于人们在日常生活中实施及理解间接言语行为,特别是规约间接言语行为(conventionalindirectspeechacts)时的迅捷性及自然性并没有给出令人信服的解释;

    However , it does not satisfactorily account for the fact that people usually comprehend the indirect speech acts , in particular the conventional ones , readily and naturally without any noticeable effort .

  15. 阐述装配作业的内涵和11003J1生产模式,机器人化机器和迅捷(agile)制造的产生背景和实施。

    The content of assembly and the production pattern of " 11003 J1 " were explained . The background and implementation of robotization machines and agile manufacturing were discussed .

  16. IE浏览器是微软最受欢迎的产品之一。新版本如此迅捷的开发速度显示,对各家大公司来说浏览器产品都有着日益增加的重要性。

    The rapid timetable for the development of the new version of one of Microsofts most popular products emphasises the increasing importance of web browsers to major companies .

  17. 她说,相较于短信和iMessage,她觉得WhatsApp更迅捷。

    She said chatting felt speedier than texts and iMessage .

  18. Walsh变换有其特点与优势,比快速傅立叶变换更为迅捷,特别适用于二维数据处理和实时数据处理。

    The Walsh transform is faster than the fast Fourier transform , it is more appropriate for 2-D data processing and real time data processing .

  19. 7月份,苹果公司升级了iPodTouch,为其配备了800万像素的摄像头和更为迅捷的64位处理器,同时,增加了iPodNano和Shuffle的颜色种类。

    In July , Apple upgraded the iPod Touch with an 8-megapixel camera and a faster 64-bit processor and also increased the variety of colors available for the iPod Nano and Shuffle .

  20. 区别在于,在Gemstone中,它们的自底向上被设计的尽可能的迅捷和无缝。

    The difference is , in Gemstone , these have all been designed from the ground up to work together as quickly and seamlessly as possible .

  21. 从软件工艺设计的角度出发,根据快速Haar变换算法的特点,运用指针交换以及二进制位操作等方法,给出了快速Haar变换的实现技术,保证了辅助操作步骤的减少和快速变换的迅捷。

    From a software technology perspective , based on the properties of fast Haar transform algorithm , an implementation technique of this algorithm is presented which involves pointer swapping and bit operating methods .

  22. 电子商务的迅捷方便等诸多优点,使得网购交易受到了经营者和消费者的欢迎和支持,B2C、C2C式的网络购物交易欣欣向荣,推动了社会主义市场经济的蓬勃发展。

    The Internet endowed the electrical commerce with so many advantages which made it favorable by both online-merchants and ordinary consumers . The great progress of B2B , B2C online-shopping transactions promoted the prosperity of the socialist market economy .

  23. 他以老方法,动作迅捷,出其不意,赢得了比赛。

    He gave us the old one-two and won the game .

  24. 回答迅捷而尖锐,干巴巴的,毫无幽默感。

    The answer was quick and sharp , devoid of humour .

  25. 保证复印过程一气呵成,简便迅捷。

    These features ensure the continuity and convenience of the copying process .

  26. 迅捷飞行形态下不能再采花了。

    Druids in swift flight form can no longer loot herb nodes .

  27. 在地上的杂物间,你发现一柄迅捷戟。

    Among the rubbish , you find a Halberd of the Swiftwatch .

  28. 全钢架标准化结构,维修方便、迅捷。

    All standard steel structure can repair easily and quickly .

  29. 如何确保投诉能得到有效、迅捷的解决?

    HOW do you ensure that complaints are resolved EFFECTIVELY and promptly ?

  30. 这项技术标志着网络应用程序的微小化、迅捷化以及便捷化。

    AJAX is a web browser technology independent of web server software .