
  • 网络tachygenesis
  1. 一些互联网驱动的变革已经迅速发生。

    Some internet-driven changes have happened quickly , of course .

  2. 卡耐基-梅隆大学经济学教授LesterLave称,经济危机导致这种改变的迅速发生。

    Carnegie Mellon University Economics Professor Lester Lave says the economic crisis made the change urgent .

  3. c-fos与c-jun是一对关系密切的原癌基因,在中枢神经系统,可由于各种刺激而迅速发生一过性表达,翻译为FOS/JUN核蛋白,返回核内对其他靶基因转录进行调节。

    C-fos / c-jun , the couple of proto-oncogen with close relationship , can be expressed for a relatively short time in the brain while CNS was stimulated .

  4. 加入水稻土中的含铬(VI)矿渣能够在厌氧培养条件下迅速发生还原转化,并随着体系中易还原氧化铁数量的增加,其还原速率加快。

    Adding the chrome slag can be reduced rapidly in paddy soil with anaerobic incubation and the rate of Cr ( VI ) reduction promote with adding Fe ( III ) in the system .

  5. 结果荧光显微数字成像系统测量的细胞荧光图像分析显示,神经元Ca2+在NMDA的刺激下迅速发生改变,并被全程记录。

    Results The fluorescence image analysis by fluorescence microscopic digital imaging system showed that under the stimulation of NMDA the quantity of intracellular free calcium in neuron was changed rapidly , and the whole trace of variation had been recorded .

  6. 两项新研究提供的迹象表明,这种状况有可能会迅速发生改变。

    Two new studies offer signs that this could be changing quickly .

  7. 网格社区中的情况正在迅速发生变化。

    Things are changing fast in the grid community .

  8. 经济和商业环境正在迅速发生改变。

    The economic and business environment is changing rapidly .

  9. 锤子被碳酸钙包覆,是可能迅速发生的。

    The hammer is encrusted with calcium carbonate , which can happen quickly .

  10. 中国的社会和经济正迅速发生变化。

    China 's society and economy are changing rapidly .

  11. 当暴露于水或血液时,迅速发生聚合反应,能在瞬间发挥其强粘接作用。

    When exposed to water or blood , it can have powerful adhesion instantly .

  12. 他被最近几个钟头以内迅速发生的事情吓得发呆了。

    He was stunned with the rapid career of events during the last few hours .

  13. 情况不会迅速发生巨大变化。

    Big changes will not happen quickly .

  14. 当系统发生故障时,该观测器残差能够迅速发生跳变,从而检测出故障的发生。

    When a fault occurs , the observer residue can change rapidly to detect the fault .

  15. 阳性反应为迅速发生特有的无力及其有关的症状。

    A positive response consists in the rapid precipitation of the characteristic weakness and associated symptoms .

  16. 它们在技术和时尚方面尤其具有竞争力,与之对应的是,新兴市场消费者的兴趣和生活方式在迅速发生变化。

    They are especially competitive in technology and fashion , where consumer tastes and lifestyles change quickly .

  17. 相移角的改变将直接导致两输出光之间的能量迅速发生变化。

    The change of the phase shift will immediately result in the intensity fluctuation of two output beams .

  18. 在7月6日生长点迅速发生变化时,其外衣细胞层减少而内体细胞层迅速增加,静止带细胞层范围扩大,体积也增加了。

    On July 6 , when the meristem changed quickly , cell layer of its corpus increased quickly .

  19. 零售业主流业态由百货商店迅速发生根本性改变,超市模式进入零售业。

    Retail department stores by mainstream formats change quickly , the supermarket patterns are put into the retail industry .

  20. 不过,要想让这一切迅速发生,我们必须建立不同的机制安排。

    For this to have happened swiftly , however , there would have had to be different institutional arrangements .

  21. 和中国其他许多消费行业一样,电影业的格局也在迅速发生改变。

    In film , as in so many other consumer sectors in China , the landscape is changing rapidly .

  22. 精子以其核突起附着在卵膜上,并迅速发生顶体反应。

    The sperm contacts with vitelline membrane by its radial arms of the nucleus , and undergoes acrosome reaction immediately .

  23. 中国正在迅速发生变化,因此很难预测食品质量问题可能以何种方式出现。

    With change occurring so quickly in China it is hard to anticipate the ways food quality problems can arise .

  24. 尽管在工厂工作的工业机器人一直在机器人领域占据主导地位,但随着服务行业的自动化,这种平衡正迅速发生变化。

    Although industrial robots working in factories have historically dominated robotics , the balance is changing fast as service sectors automate .

  25. 迅速发生的人口转变现象对未来中国社会的各个方面影响深远,经济增长同样受到人口转变的影响。

    The surgeoning demography transition phenomenon will bring heavy affects upon China 's society in every aspect , so does the economic growth .

  26. “生活方式正迅速发生改变,”朴尚振表示,同时强调指出,冲洗照片的人在不断减少。

    " Lifestyles are changing very quickly , " Mr Park said , highlighting the falling numbers of people who print out their photographs .

  27. 1920年5月,由于市场暂对德国经济状况感到乐观,市场上通过过高杠杆率持有的头寸迅速发生逆转。

    In May 1920 , the markets became temporarily optimistic about developments in Germany , and over-leveraged positions in the market were rapidly reversed .

  28. 探求末次冰期显著的气候突变事件如D/O事件的成因机制对预测未来在几十年尺度上迅速发生发展的气候突变事件至关重要。

    Exploring the forcing mechanisms of the abrupt climate events plays an important role in predicting future abrupt climate changes developed within a few decades .

  29. 如果有人能提供从全新的,是持怀疑态度-该交易将无法正常工作,因为您假设的条件,正在迅速发生变化。

    If the offer comes from someone new , be skeptical-the deal won 't work out as you assume , for conditions are rapidly shifting .

  30. 高温时,涂料成分发生改变,膨胀剂迅速发生膨胀,从而形成多孔的隔热层,阻止热量向隧道砌体的传递。

    High temperature , coating composition change , expansive agent happen quickly , thus forming porous expansion of insulating layer , prevent heat to the tunnel masonry relay .