
ɡuò qù shì
  • past tense;preterite
  1. 在叙述过程中,间接引语的动词通常用过去式。

    In narrative , the reporting verb is in the past tense .

  2. 我想我应该用过去式

    I suppose I should use the past tense now .

  3. 只要拨打订票热线,所有难题都将成为过去式。

    Simply phone the ticket hot-line and all that aggro will be a thing of the past .

  4. lost:lose的过去式,失去pound:磅,英镑你不在的时候我瘦了2磅。

    Blair : I lost 2 pounds when you were away . -

  5. 好吧希瑟哪个单词是grow这个词的过去式

    Alrigt , Heather . What word is the past tense of grow ,

  6. chose:choose的过去式,选择这个女孩谁选的?

    Who chose this girl ? -

  7. asuccessionof::一连串的一大串女人。groupie:流行乐队迷chose:(choose的过去式)选择疯狂的乐迷,天天缠着我。

    Rufus : A succession of women -- Groupies , mostly -- whose chose me .

  8. 不过,达美航空(Delta)的Song只维持了很短时间,而英国航空(BritishAirways)的Go也已成过去式。

    Yet Delta 's Song was sung only briefly and British Airways " Go went .

  9. cook的过去式是加&ed而成的。

    The past tense of cook is formed by adding - ed.

  10. painting:画sold:sell的过去式,卖那幅画已经卖出去好几天了。

    That painting sold days ago .

  11. “forget”的过去式。

    The past tense of forget .

  12. 5.:涌出,涌现(文中welled是well的过去式,流出)当她看到那个残疾孩子的时候,怜悯之心涌上心头。

    eg. Pity welled up in her heart as she watched the disabled child .

  13. lent:lend的过去式,借出是店里那个男人借给我的。

    uh , the man at the store lent it to me . -

  14. wear:穿taught:teach的过去式,教导你们知道,我的衣服都只穿一次,拜我妈所赐。

    Is : You know , I never wear the same thing twice . Mommy taught me well . -

  15. 使精疲力尽。wear的过去式是wore如果你不换机油,你车子的引擎会耗损非常快。

    wear out If you don 't change the motor oil , your car engine will wear out very quickly .

  16. sent:send的过去式,送week:星期,周ago:以前不是的,Alison,我两周前就送去了。

    Rufus : No , Alison , I sent that two weeks ago . -

  17. 玛奇朵咖啡,这是在「浓缩咖啡」espresso上面加少许奶泡的咖啡我最喜欢的咖啡饮料是玛奇朵咖啡。耗尽(热情、精力等),烧光。burnt是过去式,过去分词。

    macchiato ( n. ) My favorite coffee drink is Macchiato .

  18. 使用这些动词。所有的动词有动词的过去式?ed形式。

    Use these verbs . All these verbs have an - ed form for past actions .

  19. 最新的YouTube舞蹈视频HarlemShake哈雷姆摇摆舞迅速走红,让鸟叔的《江南Style》成为了过去式。

    The " Harlem Shake " YouTube dance video has sent the " Gangnam Style " flying .

  20. 铁被发现是因为有人闻到了它。(smelt熔炼矿石;炼取金属;这里smelt是smell闻的过去式)

    Iron was discovered becasue someone smelt it .

  21. 随着史蒂夫乔布斯(SteveJobs)的去世,与个人电脑行业同时代兴起的一代创始人已经基本成为过去式。

    With Steve Jobs ' death , the generation of founders that came of age with the rise of the PC industry has largely passed .

  22. grow的过去式是grew没错哦“卑鄙的我”

    Er ... The past tense of grow is Grew . That 's right . Alrigt . Oh ! Oh ! Despicable Me ! Despicable Me ! Er ...

  23. 由于最新一部007系列小说给詹姆斯·邦德(JamesBond)进行了政治正确的大改造,能言善道、烟不离口、大男子主义的邦德形象可能将成为过去式。

    The image of a smooth-talking , chain-smoking and sexist James Bond may be a thing of the past as the latest 007 novel gives him a politically-correct makeover .

  24. except:除了,除…之外threw:throw的过去式,扔下,丢下loop:环,圈是啊,除了他丢下我傻在那里chase:追赶name:名叫,命名去追那个叫Vanessa的女孩子。

    Serena : Yeah , except then he threw me for a loop by chasing after some girl named Vanessa . -

  25. 美国在线时代华纳已成过去式,但HBO的价值增长了不少;福克斯对时代华纳发出收购,最想摘取的就是HBO这颗“皇冠上的明珠”。

    AOL Time Warner is no more , but HBO 's value has grown hugely - it is the jewel Fox most wants to seize in Time Warner 's crown .

  26. error:错误wayward:任性的Carter意识到了自己任性的错误了rose:rise的过去式)起立,上升phoenix:凤凰ashes:灰烬就像凤凰浴火重生一样Serena是的,我发现了,外婆。

    Celia : Carter saw the error of his wayward ways , and he rose like a phoenix from the ashes , Serena . - Serena : Yes , I see that , grandma . -

  27. JUP用多级知识表示结构处理英语中动词的过去式和过去分词同形的问题

    Resolving Ambiguities of English Verbs with the Same of Past Tense and Past Participle by Multi-level Knowledge to Represent Structure Used by JUP

  28. 玻璃材质的窗户可能很快会成为过去式。

    Glass windows may soon be a thing of the past .

  29. 写出动词的过去式和过去分词形式。

    Give the past and past participle forms of the verbs .

  30. 要求学生说出自己所知道的动词及其过去式。

    Can you say some verbs and the past form ?