
  • 网络Fast Retailing
  1. 尽管倒塌的拉纳大厦(RanaPlaza)中,并没有生产优衣库服装的厂家,但不管怎么说,迅销公司事后有所行动&加入欧洲人改善工厂生产环境的倡议。

    Although Uniqlo clothes were not being made in the collapsed Rana Plaza building , Fast Retailing has subsequently responded anyway by joining a European-led initiative to improve factory conditions .

  2. 周三,迅销公司首席执行长柳井正(TadashiYanai)说,他的公司没有打算放慢在中国的扩张步伐。

    On Wednesday , Fast Retailing Chief Executive Tadashi Yanai said that his company has no plans to slow its China expansion down . '

  3. 在北京银座购物中心内的优衣库(Uniqlo)门店,姚欣说出了这样的誓言。银座购物中心以日本产品为主题,而零售商优衣库为日本迅销公司(FastRetailingCo.)所有。

    Ms. Yao made her vow while standing in a Uniqlo store , a retailer owned by Japan 's Fast Retailing Co. , in Beijing 's Japanese-themed Ginza shopping mall .

  4. 据摩根士丹利东京分析师YukimiOda分析,日本迅销公司(FastRetailing)——优衣库品牌持有人——其销售额是两个最大竞争对手(印第纺织和瑞典H&M集团)的百分之六十,但营业利润仅是其规模的三分之一。

    According to Yukimi Oda of Morgan Stanley MUFG in Tokyo , sales of Fast Retailing , Uniqlo 's parent , are about 60 % of those of its two biggest rivals , Inditex and H & M of Sweden , but operating profits are only a third the size .

  5. 当得知自己手里摆弄的一件蓝色领子的衬衫是由日本公司销售的,她说,啊,我原来并不知道。迅销公司周三重申了将在华扩大业务的承诺。

    Informed that the blue-collared shirt she was fingering was being sold by a Japanese company , she said , ' Oh , I didn 't know . ' Fast Retailing on Wednesday renewed its pledge to expand in China .

  6. 首先,迅销立即回复称公司致力于尊重人权、确保生产合作伙伴的员工获得合适的工作条件。

    First , the company issued an immediate response touting a commitment to respecting human rights and ensuring appropriate working conditions for employees of production partners .