
  1. 家乐福是法国最大的零售连锁企业,但其后台老板路易威登公司曾多次资助DL集团,支持其分裂中国的罪恶行径。

    Carrefour is France 's largest retail chain , but its backstage boss Louis Vuitton company has repeatedly aided DL Group , to support its criminal acts of splitting China .

  2. 路易威登公司对于最近在网上及个别媒体针对路易威登的失实报道表示深切关注。

    All of us at Louis Vuitton are very concerned about the recent reports and speculation on the internet and in certain Chinese media .

  3. 路易威登百货公司位于迷人的香榭丽舍大街,是世界上最有名的,美丽的街道。

    The Louis Vuitton department store is located on the stunning Champs-Elysees , one of the world 's most famous and beautiful streets .

  4. 路易威登的母公司LVMH酩悦·轩尼诗-路易·威登集团在周一发布声明确认死讯,并没有公布死亡原因。

    LVMH Mo & # 235 ; t Hennessy Louis Vuitton , the parent company of Louis Vuitton , confirmed the death in a statement on Monday without specifying a cause .

  5. 路易威登的母公司路威酩轩集团(LVMH)的高管上月表示,在上半年呈现两位数增长后,中国顾客在世界各地所有国家对其所有产品的需求持平。

    Executives at parent company LVMH said last month that demand from Chinese customers for all of its products in all countries around the world was flat after growing at double-digit rates in the first six months of the year .

  6. 像路易威登这样的公司很看重标志,不会出现缝线分割字母的情况。

    A company like Louis Vuitton , which values its logo , wouldn 't divide the letters in a seam .

  7. 此外,像爱马仕(Hermes)、香奈儿、路易威登和范思哲等公司大部分产品在欧洲制作,因此原料和劳务费都用欧元支付。

    In addition , brands such as Hermes , Chanel , Vuitton and Versace make most of their products in Europe , paying for their materials and labor in euros .