
  • 网络land rover
  1. 在豪华SUV车型领域,降价销售的现象十分普遍,但路虎汽车的价格却十分坚挺。

    Discounts are rife among luxury SUVs , but Land Rover has been able to hold prices .

  2. 捷豹路虎汽车(JaguarLandRover)去年的销量刷新纪录,得益于中国这一关键市场的强势增长和一系列新车型的发布。

    Jaguar Land Rover last year sold more vehicles than ever before , helped by strong growth in the crucial Chinese market and a string of new launches .

  3. 随着威廉王子、凯特王妃和热播剧《唐顿庄园》(DowntonAbbey)带动的英伦风尚兴起,消费者逐渐开始注意到,路虎汽车又重新变得迷人了。

    Customers have noticed , and Land Rovers have become cool again , along with Prince William , Kate Middleton , and the cast of Downton Abbey .

  4. 一辆可乐红的LR2路虎汽车。

    An LR2 Land Rover , in Coca-Cola red .

  5. 这款限量版汽车的风格是维多利亚和路虎汽车公司合作设计的。

    The special edition styling was created by Victoria in collaboration with Land Rover .

  6. 看一看中国的道路上,你能看到英国的捷豹、路虎汽车。

    Look at China 's roads and you 'll see Jaguars , Land Rovers .

  7. 那时,路虎汽车的品质就是个笑话。

    Land Rover quality was a joke .

  8. 美国很多地方,无论是在公路还是野外,人们都很难看到一辆路虎汽车。

    There are still vast swaths of the country where you never see one on the road or off .

  9. 拍卖品除手表外,还有一些军用装备,包括路虎汽车、摩托车,甚至还有英国空军特别部队的作战夹克。

    The watches are on auction beside military equipment , including Land Rovers , motorbikes and even SAS combat jackets .

  10. 2013年,美国市场上的汽车总销量上涨了8%,而路虎汽车的销量则激增15%。

    In the U.S. , Land Rover has boosted sales 15 % this year in an industry that overall is up 8 % .

  11. 一些艺人想要你的钱,这样他们就能去买路虎汽车和钻石手链了,但我不要那些东西,我要你们的灵魂。

    Some artists want your money so they can buy Range Rovers and diamond bracelets , but I don 't care about that kind of stuff . I want your soul .

  12. 在这对幸福的新人举行完婚礼再次走上过道时,宾客们一边欢呼着一边向他们身上洒五彩纸屑,然后新人就上了一辆挂着“新婚”牌子的路虎汽车,开车前往城堡参加婚宴了。

    Guests cheered and tossed confetti on the happy couple as they made their way back up the aisle and drove off in a Land Rover adorned with " Just Married " signs en route to a reception on the castle grounds .

  13. 本周初,贝嫂维多利亚抵达北京,亮相北京车展,一方面是为了推出自己参与设计的新款路虎汽车,但另一方面,作为精明的商界女性,她还将利用此次来京机会推广她的新款时装系列。

    She flew to Beijing to launch the new ' baby ' Range Rover that she helped to design earlier this week . But ever the shrewd business woman , Victoria Beckham is also using her time in the Chinese capital to promote her new clothing line .

  14. 他同时拥有兰博基尼、宾利和路虎揽胜品牌的汽车。

    He also owns a Lamborghini , Bentley , and Range Rover .

  15. 去年,尽管沃尔沃卖出了几乎与捷豹路虎相同数量的汽车——约46万辆,但其营业利润仅为2.6亿美元。

    Volvo made only $ 260m in operating profits last year , despite selling an almost identical number of cars - about 460000 .