
  • 网络SUZUKI MOTOR;Suzuki;Isuzu Motor
  1. 铃木汽车公司(SuzukiMotorCorp.)在日本的所有工厂则会关闭到本周一。

    Suzuki Motor Corp. planned to keep all factories in the nation shut until Monday .

  2. 日本第四大汽车制造商铃木汽车(SuzukiMotor)表示,它使用了不恰当的方法来检测其汽车的燃油效率。这一披露导致该公司股价下挫9.4%,外界担心,可能会有更多的公司被始于三菱汽车(MitsubishiMotors)的丑闻波及。

    Suzuki Motor says it has been using improper methods to test the fuel economy of its vehicles , sending its stock down 9.4 per cent as the disclosure triggered concerns more companies could be affected by the scandal that began with Mitsubishi Motors .

  3. 大众汽车公司(VW)还拥有铃木汽车公司(Suzuki)19%的股权。

    VW owns a 19 % stake in Suzuki .

  4. 铃木汽车(Suzuki)在美国市场上日渐式微,同时沃尔沃(Volvo)看起来也还是无力回天。

    Suzuki wound down its presence in the U.S. market , and Volvo looked none too healthy .

  5. 这个销售成绩仍远低于当地的汽车业翘楚铃木汽车。铃木汽车的销量是通用汽车的10倍多。

    That is still way behind the market leader , Maruti Suzuki , which sells more than 10 times that number .

  6. 在一辆牵引车挂车撞向她们的铃木牌凯越汽车后,这两个未成年人当场丧命。

    Both teens died after a tractor-trailer plowed into the back of their Suzuki Forenza .