
  • 网络Suzuki Torao
  1. 鲁迅与铃木虎雄的文学的自觉说&兼谈对海外中国文学研究成果的借鉴

    Theory of " Literary Self-consciousness " of Lu Xun and SUZUKI TORAO & Reference of the Overseas Research Achievements on Chinese Literature

  2. “文学的自觉”说是由日本汉学家铃木虎雄最先提出的;

    Theory on " Literary self-consciousness " was first put forward by Japanese Sinologist SUZUKI TORAO Huxiong ;

  3. 文学自觉问题作为二十世纪文学史研究的一个重大问题,自铃木虎雄、鲁迅提出以后,就一直是文学史研究的一个热点。

    The problem of " literary self-consciousness " is important in the research of literary history in 20th century .

  4. 他在《魏晋风度及文章与药及酒之关系》中提出建安“文学的自觉”说,很有可能借鉴了日本汉学家铃木虎雄的观点。

    In his lectures " Style and Essays in the Wei and Jin Dynasties and their relationship with Herbs and Wine " Lu introduced the theory of " literary self-consciousness " which was thought to have been bo .