
  • Suzuki;David Suzuki;SUZUK
  1. 宇宙图式中的天穹之花&柿蒂纹辨铃木SKYWAVE250型摩托车

    Flower of the Sky - the Lotus Pattern Suzuki SKY WAVE 250 Motorcycle

  2. 对引进日本铃木AG系列踏板摩托车空气滤清器的改进

    Improvement of Air Filter for AG Series Scooter Introduced from Suzuki Japan

  3. 铃木SKYWAVE250型摩托车

    Suzuki SKY WAVE 250 Motorcycle

  4. 当然,所有的ARC铃木夹克的特殊材料和原始的ARC夹克的细节。

    Of course the ARC Suzuki jacket has all the exceptional materials and details of the original ARC jacket .

  5. 铃木汽车公司(SuzukiMotorCorp.)在日本的所有工厂则会关闭到本周一。

    Suzuki Motor Corp. planned to keep all factories in the nation shut until Monday .

  6. 铃木镇一创办了才能教育研究会(TalentEducationResearchInstitute)。该教育机构的资料显示,目前在46个国家有40万儿童正在铃木教学法的帮助下学习演奏乐器,其中仅有2万儿童是日本人。

    According to the Talent Education Research Institute , an educational organization founded by Mr. Suzuki , about 400,000 children in 46 countries are now learning to play musical instruments the Suzuki way .

  7. 根据咨询公司IHSGlobalInsight的数据,丰田在2008年销售了860万量汽车,大众和铃木共销售了840万量。

    Toyota sold 8.6m vehicles in 2008 , and VW and Suzuki between them sold 8.4m , according to consultancy IHS Global Insight .

  8. 大众汽车公司(VW)还拥有铃木汽车公司(Suzuki)19%的股权。

    VW owns a 19 % stake in Suzuki .

  9. 正是凭借塞击(Sidekick),小小的铃木公司(Suzuki)成了SUV市场的先驱。

    Tiny Suzuki pioneered the segment with the sidekick .

  10. 上月铃木(Suzuki)表示,可能也会探索与丰田开展类似的技术合作。

    This month , Suzuki said it may also explore a similar technology partnership with Toyota .

  11. 铃木汽车(Suzuki)在美国市场上日渐式微,同时沃尔沃(Volvo)看起来也还是无力回天。

    Suzuki wound down its presence in the U.S. market , and Volvo looked none too healthy .

  12. 尽管存在这种担忧,但日本政府和公众似乎都不知道,迄今为止,日本最成功的文化输出名为铃木教学法(SuzukiMethod)的一种音乐教学方式具有怎样的全球影响力。

    Despite this concern , both the Japanese government and the Japanese people seem unaware of the global impact of Japan 's most successful cultural export to date : the so-called Suzuki Method of music instruction .

  13. 日本最大汽车制造商丰田表示,将探索与规模较小的竞争对手铃木(Suzuki)结成商业联盟,共同开发下一代技术。

    Toyota , Japan 's biggest carmaker , said it will explore a business tie-up with smaller rival Suzuki to develop next-generation technologies .

  14. 并与美国MTD、日本铃木、德国大众、伊朗德塔米克斯等国际大公司建立合作关系。

    And also establish business relationship with MTD from USA , Suzuki from Japan , Volkswagen from German , Deltamix from Iran .

  15. 我没有随便堆砌三菱(Mitsubishi)这样过气的品牌或是铃木(Suzuki)这样的断档品牌,也没有选择那些早已停产的过时车型。

    I have avoided piling on distressed brands like Mitsubishi and discontinued ones like Suzuki and obsolete models that are already out of production .

  16. 该公司的日本竞争对手&铃木(Suzuki)与日产(Nissan)绕开了中国,选择了工人工资低一半的印度作为出口基地。

    Its Japanese rivals Suzuki and Nissan have bypassed China as an export base in favour of India , where factory workers earn half as much .

  17. 本组病例显示术前DSA铃木分期与EDAS术后手术血管重建情况间存在等级相关关系。

    Cases in this study showed that the Suzuki stage of preoperative DSA was rank correlation with the extent of revascularization after EDAS . 5 .

  18. 印度最畅销的车型之一是马鲁蒂铃木(marutisuzuki),零售价也是5000美元。

    In India , one of the best-sellers is the Suzuki Maruti , which also retails for $ 5000 .

  19. 目前,只有德国卡尔&玛雅(Karl-Mayer)或日本铃木(Suzuki)公司的产品。

    Now only two companies , Karl-Mayer in German and Suzuki in Japan , can make it .

  20. 其与铃木的这一最新协议,很可能将类似于去年其与马自达(Mazda)达成的合作,而不涉及资本联系。

    Its latest agreement with Suzuki will likely be similar to the partnership Toyota struck with Mazda last year that does not involve capital ties .

  21. 一段时间之后,乔布斯和其他人觉得不够,于是铃木让自己的助手乙川弘文(KobunChino)开办一家全天候开放的禅宗中心。

    After a while he asked his assistant , Kobun Chino Otogawa , to open a full-time center there .

  22. 铃木AX-100型摩托车减震筒的国产化工艺

    Localization of the Shock Absorber on SUZUKI AX-100 Motorcycle

  23. 汽车的轮胎噪声铃木CAPPUCINO

    The Noise Produced by Tire Suzuki Minicar & Cappucino

  24. 第一消防队队员鸣海铃木(NarumiSuzuki)到达核电站时告诉BBC,受损的程度令人震惊。

    One of the first firefighters to reach the plant , Narumi Suzuki , told the BBC of his shock on seeing the extent of the damage .

  25. 铃木GN125摩托车分解电路图(太子型-豪爵)

    A Breakdown Circuit Diagram for Suzuki GN125 ( Prince Model-Hao Jue )

  26. 铃木是日本第四大汽车制造商,专注于生产小型汽车,2009年曾与大众汽车(Volkswagen)结成合作伙伴,但仅两年后双方就不欢而散。

    Suzuki , Japan 's fourth largest carmaker with a focus on small cars , formed a partnership with Volkswagen in 2009 , but that was followed by an acrimonious split only two years later .

  27. 据NHK公共电台报道,铃木住在青森县附近,曾独自一人去摘食野生植物。

    Suzuki , who lived in neighbouring Aomori prefecture , had gone to the area alone to pick edible wild plants , according to public broadcaster NHK .

  28. 日本第四大汽车制造商铃木汽车(SuzukiMotor)表示,它使用了不恰当的方法来检测其汽车的燃油效率。这一披露导致该公司股价下挫9.4%,外界担心,可能会有更多的公司被始于三菱汽车(MitsubishiMotors)的丑闻波及。

    Suzuki Motor says it has been using improper methods to test the fuel economy of its vehicles , sending its stock down 9.4 per cent as the disclosure triggered concerns more companies could be affected by the scandal that began with Mitsubishi Motors .

  29. 研制出适用于铃木AX-100摩托车车架焊接的自动焊设备,并对其相应的焊接工艺进行了研究。

    The automatic welding equipment and procedure for welding of AX - 100 motorbike are developed in this paper .

  30. 这并不奇怪,因为上世纪70年代末,小林武史(TakeshiKobayashi)把铃木教学法带到了委内瑞拉,帮助那里的弱势儿童组成乐队,演奏音乐。

    The parallel is not surprising since Takeshi Kobayashi brought the Suzuki Method to Venezuela in the late 1970s , teaching a group of underprivileged children to play in an orchestra .