
  • Tokyo Tower
  1. 本周六晚上八点三十分,日本东京塔(TokyoTower)所有灯都将熄灭。

    This Saturday night at eight thirty , all the lights will be at the Tokyo Tower in Japan .

  2. Azure45餐馆位于丽思卡尔顿高层酒店(RitzCarlton)第45层,在此可以饱览东京塔(TokyoTower)的丰姿及整个东京城的美景。

    This one is spectacularly located on the 45th floor of a skyscraper with sweeping views of Tokyo Tower and the city beneath .

  3. 吉尼斯认定证书授予仪式15日在东京塔举行,《周刊少年JUMP》主编瓶子吉久代替作者出席。

    Guinness handed an official certificate form to Yoshihisa Heishi , editor in chief of " Weekly Shonen Jump . " Heishi attended the ceremony in place of the author at Tokyo Tower on Monday .

  4. 酒店大堂位于25层,对面就是东京塔(TokyoTower),273间豪华客房(每晚20000日元起)拥有同样壮丽的景观,其中一些房间还保留着前艺术家住户的装饰风格。

    The 25th-floor lobby faces the Tokyo Tower , and similarly spectacular scenes figure prominently in each of the 273 plush rooms ( from 20000 yen ) , some of which have been decorated by former artists-in-residence .

  5. 本周六晚八点半,日本东京塔的所有灯光将会关闭。

    This Saturday night at eight thirty , all the lights will be shut off at the Tokyo Tower in Japan .

  6. 精致而娇弱的樱花沿公园的河畔小径绽放,欣赏这稍纵即逝之美的同时,从那里还能看到东京晴空塔(TokyoSkytree)的全貌,这是目前世界最高的塔,高2080英尺(约634米)。

    The delicate blossoms " fleeting beauty blooms along the park 's riverside all é e , which also offers unobstructed views of the futuristic 2080-foot-tall Tokyo Skytree , currently the world 's tallest tower .

  7. 那么,东京通天塔的地基将更大。

    The base for Tokyo 's Babel would have been even larger .

  8. 文中通过对东京电视塔的相应天线水平场型的分析计算,证明了方法的有效性。

    It is given to show the efficiency of the method that the analysis results of the horizontal radiation pattern of the TV - Transmitting antenna on the Tokyo tower .

  9. 恭喜!这大概就是东京通天塔的高度,比哈利法塔和高于塔十倍的珠穆朗玛峰的高度之和再高几百米。

    Congratulations : That tower plus the mountain ( 10 times taller ) below it combined still fall a couple of hundred meters short of the Tokyo Tower of Babel .

  10. 东京的天涯在二月一日以上以193公尺-高的东京塔的打开到达。

    Tokyo 's skyline continued reaching upwards with the opening of the193-metre-high Tokyo Towers on February1st .