
  • 网络Hun Sen
  1. 洪森首相设法游走于两个集团之间。

    Prime Minister Hun Sen has sought to steer a course between the two groups

  2. 首相洪森(HunSen)最初表示不敢相信测试结果是正确的。

    Prime Minister Hun Sen initially expressed disbelief that the tests were correct .

  3. 二月的一次会议上,洪森称NGO对其石油政策的发难纯属“抽疯”。

    At a conference in February , Mr Hun Sen called NGOs'criticism of his oil policies " crazy " .

  4. 通过刻苦自学,洪森获得了多个学位。

    Hun Sen was conferred several degrees through his hard self-study .

  5. 上个星期五,柬埔寨首相洪森答应要采取行动。

    Last Friday Prime Minister Hun Sen promised to take action .

  6. 但是在洪森对洪森表现的异常支持使其似乎不太可能。

    But that seems unlikely after Hun Sen 's extraordinary show of support .

  7. 媒体报导说,育他萨将军还将拜会柬埔寨首相洪森。

    Media reports say General Yutthasak will also meet Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen.

  8. 洪森重申了柬埔寨对中国抗击疫情的支持。

    Hun Sen reiterated Cambodia 's support for China in combating the outbreak .

  9. 洪森非常疼爱自己的妻子。

    Hun Sen loves his wife very much .

  10. 在金边,他将会见诺罗敦·西哈莫尼国王和首相洪森。

    In Phnom Penh , he will meet with King Norodom Sihamoni and Prime Minister Hun Sen.

  11. 现成的理论和传统习惯都不能成为束缚洪森思想和行动的羁绊。

    The existing theory and traditional habits can never become the fetters against Hun Sen 's thoughts and actions .

  12. 发挥一个4不同的文化和建立防御塔楼击退一波又一波的恶性洪森敌人。

    Play as one of4 different cultures and build defensive turrets to repel wave after wave of vicious Hun enemies .

  13. 众所周知,泰国前总理他信•西那瓦与柬埔寨首相洪森关系密切。

    Thailand 's former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra is known to have a close relationship with Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen.

  14. 今年3月,洪森首相启动了一项到2025年在国内消除疟疾的政府计划。

    In March of this year , Prime Minister Hun Sen launched a government plan to eliminate malaria in the country by2025 .

  15. 洪森思维敏捷,分析能力强,认真务实,作风果敢。

    Hun Sen is a man with smart thoughts , strong abilities of analysis , and practical , earnest , courageous and resolute style .

  16. 洪森表示,双边自由贸易协议的意义重大,通过与中国的合作,柬埔寨的发展将会更好。

    Hun Sen says the deal is of great significance , and that his country 's development will be better through cooperation with China .

  17. 他拥有的蜂窝独立广播电台有时播出批评1985年以来一直在柬埔寨执政的洪森总理的消息。

    His radio station , known as Beehive Radio , sometimes broadcasts material critical of Prime Minister Hun Sen , who has ruled Cambodia since 1985 .

  18. 柬埔寨并无有效制衡,洪森和索安也并未出台协调的计划来对石油收入进行管理。

    Cambodia does not , and Mr Hun Sen and Mr Sok An have still not come up with a coherent plan for managing the oil revenues .

  19. 柬埔寨总理洪森说,泰国部队已进入柬埔寨境内,并在星期二发出最后通牒要求泰国部队立即离开,否则面临冲突。

    Cambodia 's Prime Minister Hun Sen said Thai troops had entered his country and on Tuesday issued an ultimatum for them to leave or risk conflict .

  20. 柬埔寨首相洪森表示,他希望改善泰柬的边界情势,希望两国的边界纠纷不再成为东南亚国家联盟的一个议题。东南亚国家联盟由10个东南亚国家组成。

    Hun Sen says he is looking to improve the border situation with the cross-border dispute no longer figuring in talks of the10-member Association of Southeast Nations .

  21. 他信长期以来和柬埔寨首相洪森关系良好,在他信担任泰国总理期间,泰国和柬埔寨的关系远比现在友善。

    Thaksin has long had close ties with Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen and the two countries had much friendlier relations during Thaksin 's tenure as Thailand 's prime minister .

  22. 镇上唯一的纪念碑上写著:?本公路全长104公里,由国军工兵部队所建,柬埔寨政府以及总理洪森敬赠。

    " Gift from Prime Minister Hun Sen and the royal government of cambodia , 104km of road built by the army engineering unit ," reads the town 's only monument .

  23. 当时,因为家里十分贫困,洪森便住到不花钱的寺庙里,当了“寺童”,一边帮助僧侣干活,一边学习。

    Therefore lived in a charge-free temple , where he become a " temple child ", helped the monks to do something on one hand and on the other hand continued his studies .

  24. 洪森首相有一个非常贤慧美丽的妻子叫文拉妮。文拉妮也是磅湛省人,祖籍中国海南。

    Premier Hun Sen has a very beautiful and virtuous wife named Bun Rany , who is also a native of Kamp ó ng Cham province with her ancestral home in Hainan , China .

  25. 他说,我们对明天的会谈不抱什么希望,因为泰国政府给洪森的一封信说,泰国军队占领的地方是泰国领土。

    He says , " We have little hope for the meeting tomorrow , because the Thai government sent a letter to Prime Minister Hun Sen saying that the places occupied [ by Thai soldiers ] are Thai territory . "