
Hónɡ xiù quán
  • best-known leader of the Taiping Rebellion
  1. 洪秀全与太平天国后期的中央集权化

    HONG Xiu-quan and Centralization of Authority in Post Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

  2. 回归传统:洪秀全思想中的儒学情结

    Divorce and Return & Confucian Knot of Hong Xiuquan 's Thought

  3. 略析洪秀全对于西方文化的态度

    Brief Analysis of Hong Xiuquan 's Attitude Towards Western Culture

  4. 洪秀全禁烟主张与太平天国的禁烟立法

    Hong Xiu-quan and His Prohibition against Opium in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

  5. 再论洪秀全意识结构的内在矛盾

    Again on Inner Contradictions of Ideological Structure of Hong Xiuquan

  6. 略论洪秀全对基督教的取舍与利用

    A brief discussion of Hong Xiuquan 's selection and utilization of Christianity

  7. 1851年,洪秀全和其他人在贵州省发动起义。

    In 1851 Hong Xiuquan and others launched an uprising in Guizhou Province .

  8. 洪秀全的帝王意识与太平天国的悲剧

    Hong Xiuquan 's Emperor Dream and the Tragedy of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

  9. 论《圣经》马氏译本对洪秀全的影响&以上帝译名为例

    On the influence of ma 's version of the Bible on Hong Xiuquan

  10. 洪秀全的封建情结及其恶果

    Hong Xiu-quan 's Feudal Complex and Its Disastrous Effect

  11. 洪秀全对太平天国壁画的影响

    Influence of Hong Xiuquan to Mural Paintings during the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Period

  12. 太平天国运动的发起人是在科举考试中屡试不中的读书人洪秀全。

    The founder of the Taiping Movement was the frustrated scholar Hong Xiuquan .

  13. 洪秀全与康有为大同思想之比较

    Comparative analysis of Great Harmony Thoughts by Hong Xiu-quan and by Kang You-wei

  14. 从儒家的叛逆到基督的叛逆&洪秀全意识结构的内在矛盾

    From Treason of Confucianism to Christianity : Internal Contradiction of Hong Xiuquan 's Ideology

  15. 十字架下的冲撞与撕裂&洪秀全政治人格分析

    Conflict and Split under the Cross : Analysis of Hong Xiuquan 's Political Personality

  16. 试析洪秀全的自卑心理和性格特征

    Hong Xiuquan 's Inferiority Complex and Character Trait

  17. 洪秀全早期思想与基督教关系新论

    A New Exposition On the Relationship Between Hong Xiuquan 's Early Thoughts and Christianity

  18. 洪秀全制定了一个折衷的意识形态,将早先儒家的乌托邦思想与新教的信仰结合起来。

    Hong formulated an eclectic ideology combining the ideals of pre-Confucian utopianism with Protestant beliefs .

  19. 洪秀全,一个失败的公务员候选人,导致太平天国之际,广泛的社会动乱和日益恶化的饥荒。

    Hong Xiuquan , a failed civil service candidate , led the Taiping Rebellion , amid widespread social unrest and worsening famine .

  20. 在洪秀全与李秀成的政治较量中,洪秀全因为洞悉李秀成的政治心理,因而在心理上占据着优势。

    In the political struggle between Hong and Li , Hong possessed psychological superiority for his understanding thoroughly Li 's political psychology .

  21. 但是,洪秀全及其拜上帝会的宗教观念是在多神崇拜盛行的社会环境中孕育出来的。

    However the religious ideas of Hong Xiuquan and the Society of Worshiping God were produced under the social circumstances of polytheism .

  22. 洪秀全是伟大的农民革命英雄。他的一生是充满矛盾的一生,他既是反封建的旗手,又是皇权主义的继承人;

    Hong Xiuquan , a great hero of peasant revolution with contradictory personality , made heroic achievement and historical regret as well .

  23. 洪秀全故乡花都壁画调查&兼与太平天国壁画比较

    A Survey of the Murals at Huadu , HONG Xiu-quan 's Hometown : A Comparison with the Murals of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

  24. 太平起义军由洪秀全(1814——1864)领导,他是一个乡村先生,在科举考试中名落孙山。

    The Taiping rebels were led by Hong Xiuquan ( 1814 - 1864 ) , a village teacher and unsuccessful imperial examination candidate .

  25. 因而,在洪秀全的意识形态里,基督教与儒教,外来文化与传统文化,始终是一对深刻的矛盾。

    Therefore , in Hong ` s ideology , the Christianity and Confucianism , the alien culture and the traditional culture are deeply contradictory .

  26. 1851年洪秀全和其他人发动起义在贵州省建立了太平天国大和平与自己是国王。

    In1851 Hong Xiuquan and others launched an uprising in Guizhou Province , established the Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace with himself as king .

  27. 在中国近代史上出现过三次理想社会思潮,分别是洪秀全太平天国的农业社会主义理念;

    Three thoughts of idea society appeared in China modern history , which are the agriculture socialism idea of Hong xiu-quan 's Taiping tianguo ;

  28. 洪秀全建都南京不久之后,英国政府派来特使,询问这新政权的外交政策。

    After he had built his capital at Nanjing , Britain sent an envoy to ask him about the foreign policy of his new regime .

  29. 洪秀全在特殊历史条件下把基督教教义、仪式与中国传统儒家思想、小农意识以及民间宗教交糅融合。

    Hong Xiuquan , under the special history conditions , combined Christian doctrines and rituals with traditional Chinese Confucianism , peasant ideology and folk religions .

  30. 洪氏集团是由以洪秀全为核心的洪氏兄弟、以及依附于他们的一些人组成。

    The HONG group consists of the HONG brothers with HONG Xiu quan as the core of leadership and the people attaching themselves to them .