
  1. 黄宗羲社会启蒙思想概论

    An Introduction to Huang Zhong-xi 's Enlightening Thoughts of Society

  2. 黄宗羲是明末清初的思想家,与同时代的王夫之、顾炎武并称为“清初三大家”。

    Huang-Zongxi was a thinker during the early Qing-Dynasty and the later Ming-Dynasty .

  3. 因而,黄宗羲是中国学术史上里程碑式的著名学者和卓有建树的思想家。

    Huang is the landmark prominent scholar and thinker in Chinese learning history .

  4. 黄宗羲有着崇高的真儒理想和坚定的成圣追求。

    Huang Zong-xi has lofty ideal of pure confucianist and decisive pursuit of sage .

  5. 黄宗羲传记理论研究

    A Study on HUANG Zong-xi 's Biographic Theory

  6. 论黄宗羲政治思想的终极目标

    Ultimate Goal of HUANG Zong-xi 's Political Thinking

  7. 农村税费改革必须突破黄宗羲定律的怪圈

    Breaking HUANG Zong-xi 's law to Conduct Reform in tax and Fee in Rural Areas

  8. 如何避免重蹈“黄宗羲定律”的陷阱?

    How to avoid falling into the pitfall " huang zhongxi 's law " again ?

  9. 黄宗羲的学术风格,引导了有清一代传统学术的转型,对乾嘉学者以至清中后期的浙东学派产生很大影响。

    Huangs scholar style introduces the transformation of traditional learning and influences the East Zhejiang School .

  10. 变一家之法,行天下之法&论黄宗羲的法治观

    Changing the law for king into the law for people & The legal view of Huang Zong-xi

  11. 王阳明心学、黄宗羲学术思想和浙东史学是海外学者研究浙东学术思想的重点。

    Foreign scholars of the East Zhejiang School often focus their studies on Wang Mingyang , Huang Zongxi .

  12. 第二部分从思想根基和具体分权制度两方面入手,全面阐明黄宗羲分权思想的内在精神与外部构建。

    The second part will discuss form thought foundation and specific Decentralization system , state his thoughts inner spirit and external building .

  13. 在这三个阶段中,黄宗羲对理学有不同的理解,这反应到他的理学研究之中。

    At the three stages , Huang Zong-xi had different understand to neo-Confucianism . The changes were reaction to his neo-Confucianism research .

  14. 在他的诗文作品中,悲怆、豪壮、焦虑、自得相互交织,生成了黄宗羲诗文的独特审美风貌。

    That the grief , heroism , anxious , and self-satisfaction interweave mutually in his works has produced the unique aesthetic style .

  15. 在理学第一个阶段,黄宗羲本质上是一个气论者,强调气,忽视对理的论述。

    At the first neo-Confucianism stage , actually , Huang Zong-xi thought the Qi was the noumenon , emphasized the Qi , ignore the Tian-li .

  16. 黄宗羲的治法思想还对后来的清末资产阶级维新派和革命派均产生了重要影响,是中国近代变革的本土原动力。

    His thoughts were also late Qing reformers and revolutionaries had an important impact , is the driving force behind the local change in modern China .

  17. 研究黄宗羲的民本思想,无疑对建设社会主义和谐社会具有重要的启发。

    To study the new people-based thoughts of Huang-zong xi under the modern contexts undoubtedly , will inspire us in building the socialist harmonious society in China .

  18. 然而创造性会计自会计诞生之日起一直影随其发展,并且不断演绎道魔相争的符合“黄宗羲定律”的历程,破坏了信息的可靠性。

    However , creative accounting which follows the development of accounting from its birth has contentiously performed Huangzongxi Theory , which undermines the reliability of accounting information .

  19. 明清两代,有四部以“孟子”为书名前冠的著作,作者分别是黄宗羲、戴震、焦循、康有为。

    During the Ming and Qing Dynasties there were four works partly entitled Mencius , Written by Huang Zongxi , Dai Zhen , Jiao Xun , Kang Youwei .

  20. 摘要《原法》是《明夷待访录》中最重要的一篇文章,是黄宗羲法律思想的集中体现。

    Yuan FA is the most important article of the book Ming Yi Dai Fang lu , and it is the embodiment of Huang zongxi 's thought of law .

  21. 然而,在中国思想史上,对于法治社会的质疑也很多,尤其是明末清初的一些思想家像黄宗羲、王夫之、顾炎武等对此问题有最为集中的讨论。

    However , throughout Chinese ideological history , there have been many suspicions about the rule of law , especially from the thinkers in late Ming and early Qing Dynasty .

  22. 当时涌现出的以王夫之、顾炎武、黄宗羲、方以智为代表的一批哲学家将中国哲学推向了更高更深的理论层面。

    A galaxy of philosophers with noticeable achievements like Wang Fuzhi , Gu Yanwu , Huang Zongxi , and Fang Yizhi brought Chinese philosophy to a profound new theoretical height .

  23. 在《明儒学案》中,黄宗羲认为周海门是罗近溪的门人而将其列入泰州学派。

    In the book of Confucians in the Ming Dynasty written by Huang Zongxi , Zhou Haimen was listed in the school of Taizhou as the disciple of Lou Jinxi .

  24. 在猛烈批判专制统治时,黄宗羲表现出了试图将政治与伦理进行分离的倾向,从而使其思想与传统儒学政治伦理不分的思想相区别。

    Criticizing wildly the rule of emperor , HUANG Zong-xi had a tendency that tried to divide his ideal into politic and ethics , and make difference it from traditional Confucian which mingled politic with ethics .

  25. 从新中国成立到改革开放前,马克思主义史学家对黄宗羲思想的研究取得巨大成就,但存在简单化、机械化的倾向。

    From the founding of the People 's Republic of China to the reform and opening-up , Marxist historians had wonderful attainments in respect of the study of Huang Zong-xi , but with the inclination of simplification and mechanization .

  26. 黄宗羲还强调了学术经世的思想,指出如果学术与社会现实脱离了,那它就失去了存在的价值和意义,因此学道与事功不可判为两途。

    Represented by the academic world also stressed the idea that if academic and detached from social reality , that it lost its value and meaning of existence , School Road and Feats therefore can not be sentenced to two passers-by .

  27. 实际上,黄宗羲作此书的动机是:总结亡明的历史经验教训,企图从根本上改造封建专制主义统治的弊病,为理想中的圣君明主提供治国之大法。

    Actually , the purpose of Huang writing the book is : summing up the historical experiences and lessons , attempting to solve the ruling problems of the feudalism , suggesting the ways of governing the country for the " good " king in his mind .