
  • 网络guangxu emperor;emperor guangxu;guangxu
  1. 随着光绪帝,她逃到了西安。

    Along with the Guangxu Emperor , she fled to Xi'an .

  2. 拉马五世改革与光绪帝变法异同论

    On the Differences and Similarities Between Lama V 's Reform and Emperor Guang Xu 's Reform

  3. 自立军起义失败后,营救光绪帝并通过他继续维新已遥遥无期,文学革命被再次强化,革新中觉世与传世、破坏与建设的矛盾也进一步加深。

    After the failure of rebellion of the Independent Army , literary innovation was strengthened again , and the contravention between enlightening the public and inducing the public , destroying and establishing in innovation .

  4. 百日维新从1898年的6月11日到11月21日间的103天,清朝的光绪帝(1875——1908)下令进行一系列改革,致力于创造全面的社会和制度改变。

    The Hundred Days " Reform In the 103 days from June 11 to September 21 , 1898 , the Qing emperor , Guangxu ( 1875 - 1908 ) , ordered a series of reforms aimed at making sweeping social and institutional changes .

  5. 受极端保守主义者和政治投机分子袁世凯(1859——1916)的支持,慈禧太后在1898年11月21日策划了一场政变,逼迫年轻的、具有改革思想的光绪帝退位。慈禧拦过掌控政府的大权。

    Supported by ultraconservative and with the tacit support of the political opportunist Yuan Shikai ( 1859 - 1916 ) , Empress Dowager Ci Xi engineered a coup on September 21 , 1898 , forcing the young reform-minded Guangxu into seclusion . Ci Xi took over the government as regent .

  6. 清朝在同治和其后的光绪二帝在位的时候,大权全部落在慈禧太后手中;

    Qing Dynasty in the Tongzhi and its after the reign of Emperor Guangxu second time , power all come into the hands of the Empress Dowager Cixi ;