
Hàn wǔ dì
  • Martial Emperor;his 54-year reign is considered the most glorious of Han
  1. 汉武帝的音乐才情及贡献述论

    Analysis on Emperor Wu 's Music Talent and His Contribution in Han Dynasty

  2. 汉武帝,名刘彻,生于公元前157年,卒于公元前87年。

    Han Wudi ( 157 B. C. -- 87 B. C. ) was originally named Liu Che .

  3. 汉武帝创建的帝国比同时期的罗马帝国还要大,是当时世界上最大的帝国。

    Similarly . The empire that Wu-ti created , surpassing in size the contemporary Roman Empire , was the greatest in the world .

  4. 考古学家认为,主墓是刘贺最后的安息之地。刘贺是汉王朝最伟大的统治者汉武帝的孙子,汉朝是中国历史上最繁荣的时期。

    Archeologists believe that the main tomb was the final resting place of Liu He , grandson of Emperor Wu , the greatest ruler of Han Dynasty , which was one of the most prosperous periods in China 's history .