
  • Burger King;BKC;Hungry Jack's
  1. 五月份法官裁决表示支持汉堡王。

    In May a judge ruled in favour of Burger King .

  2. 诸如汉堡王等许多企业的营业额就有所下滑。

    Many , such as Burger King , have seen sales fall .

  3. 五月份汉堡王推出了7美元八个的烤猪排。

    And in May Burger King introduced barbecuepork ribs at $ 7 for eight .

  4. 星巴克已经将它的西雅图最好咖啡的品牌版权出售给了汉堡王,该咖啡将在今年晚些时候开始销售。

    Starbucks has sold rights to its Seattle 's Best coffee brand to Burger King , which will start selling it later this year .

  5. 去年,汉堡王的特许经销商就因为双层奶酪汉堡的促销活动而起诉该公司,声称以1美元出售这些成本价为1。10美元的产品对他们来说是不公平的。

    Last year Burger franchiseessuedthe company over its double-cheeseburger promotion , claiming it was unfair for them to be repuired to sell these for $ 1 when they cost $ 1.10 to make .

  6. 此外,苹果公司还列出了包括连卡佛、7-11便利店、汉堡王、肯德基等在内的多个位于中国的商家已经支持ApplePay服务。

    Apple also lists Lane Crawford , 7-Eleven , Burger King , and KFC among the merchants already accepting Apple Pay in China .

  7. 2002年至2006年期间,美国德太投资有限公司(TPGCapital)等私募股权公司也开始插手汉堡王,希望从中分一杯羹。

    Private equity firm TPG capital and others got in on the act from 2002 through 2006 .

  8. 而汉堡王(BurgerKing)则根据消费者点的配餐修改了套餐价格。

    Burger King ( BKW ) changes its prices based on what sides you order .

  9. 要知道,3G资本并未投入任何资金用于改善汉堡王的经营,问题怎么可能得到解决呢?

    Somehow , having invested no capital into fixing the business , its problems have been resolved .

  10. 实际上,汉堡王(BurgerKing)等公司的数据密集度可能都比Uber高。

    In fact , a company like Burger King is probably more data-intensive .

  11. 而BurgerKing(汉堡王)也在5月推出了烧烤猪肋,8根售价高达7美元。

    And in May Burger King introduced barbecue pork ribs at a hefty $ 7 for eight .

  12. 周二,汉堡王宣布重新推出炸鸡条(ChickenFries),该产品曾于2005年首次上市。

    On Tuesday , the company announced the revival of its Chicken Fries , which first launched in 2005 .

  13. 低卡路里炸薯条迟迟未能赢得消费者的芳心,快餐连锁店汉堡王(BurgerKing)因此将大规模停售低脂薯条(Satisfries)。

    The fast-food chain Burger King will largely discontinue its so-called Satisfries after the low-calorie french-fry alternative failed to win over consumers .

  14. 而得分最低的几家店则是汉堡王(BurgerKing)、Church’s、KFC、PandaExpress和Sbarro。

    The worst performers , meanwhile , included Burger King , Church 's , KFC , Panda Express and Sbarro .

  15. 然而,尽管汉堡王一直受到各种问题的困扰,接管公司刚刚18个月的3G资本仍然声称,汉堡王已经东山再起。

    However , despite the continuous issues that have dogged the chain , its owners of 18 months have claimed that Burger King is back .

  16. 而3G资本公司不仅未在汉堡王投入任何资金,去年,它反而从公司卷走了2.95亿美元。

    Not only has 3G capital not invested any capital in the company , it sucked $ 295 million out of the business last year .

  17. 但是,汉堡王(BurgerKing)正在寻求实现这样一种场景,消费者只需要拨打一个电话、或者点击一下鼠标就能买到华堡(Whopper)。

    Butburger king is looking to put some of its customers just a call or click away from awhopper .

  18. 3G资本和巴菲特在去年12月帮助汉堡王完成了对蒂姆霍顿斯的收购。今年1月份,350名蒂姆霍顿斯员工就被炒了鱿鱼。

    At Tim Hortons , where the deal with 3G , Buffett and Burger King was finalized in December , 350 people lost their jobs in January .

  19. 据NPR新闻的詹姆斯·罗利报道,这项交易可能降低汉堡王公司的税收。

    NPR 's James Rolly reports the deal could lower the taxes Burger King pays .

  20. 日本的摩斯汉堡(MossBurgers)模仿了麦当劳和汉堡王,只不过换成日本当地口味而已。

    In Japan , Moss Burgers is an imitation of McDonalds and Burger King , with a local Japanese flavor .

  21. 汉堡王希望能把Netflix《怪奇物语》的粉丝吸引到“颠倒汉堡”中。

    Burger King is hoping to pull fans of the Netflix series " Stranger Things " into the Upside Down .

  22. 汉堡王不是唯一一家与Netflix合作宣传《怪奇物语3》的食品连锁店。

    Burger King isn 't the only food chain teaming up with Netflix to promote " Stranger Things 3 . "

  23. 这是不是说,我们可以每天吃五六餐汉堡王(BurgerKing)或者TacoBell(一种墨西哥玉米卷,跟KFC一样是连锁店)?

    Does this , then , mean that it 's okay to eat Burger King or Taco Bell five or six times per day ?

  24. 这家连锁店和可口可乐合作,用汉堡王APP举办一场比赛,胜利者能获得特殊奖品:从食物到《怪奇物语》VIP体验。

    The chain is partnering with Coke on a contest involving the Burger King app where winners can earn special prizes from food to a Stranger Things VIP Experience .

  25. 比如,加拿大就以国家安全为由,对汉堡王(BurgerKing)收购该国咖啡连锁店蒂姆-霍顿斯(TimHortons)一事进行了审核。

    Canada , for example , reviewed Burger King 's acquisition of Tim Hortons , its national coffeehouse chain , on national security grounds .

  26. 在美国,有很多不同种类的快餐食物。有麦当劳,汉堡王,TacoBell(塔可钟)和JackintheBox(玩偶匣)等。

    There are lots of different kinds of fast food places in the U.S.A.There are McDonald 's , Burger king , Taco Bell , Jack in the Box , and more .

  27. 德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)分析师杰森韦斯特(JasonWest)表示,全球销售的增长缓解了对同店销售可能螺旋式下跌的担忧,就像汉堡王(BurgerKing)等竞争对手所经历的那样。

    Jason West , analyst at Deutsche Bank , said the global sales increase alleviated concern about a possible downward spiral in comparable sales , as had been seen at competitors like Burger King .

  28. 过去7年里,3G策划的收购活动包括亨氏、快餐连锁店汉堡王(BurgerKing)和提姆霍顿(TimHortons),以及啤酒巨头安海斯-布希(Anheuser-Busch)。

    Over the past seven years , the group has masterminded takeovers of Heinz , fast-food chains Burger King and Tim Hortons as well as beer giant Anheuser-Busch .

  29. 最近,伯纳尔多•希斯从汉堡快餐业转到了调味料行业:宣布辞去汉堡王(BurgerKing)CEO职位,转任亨氏(Heinz)CEO。

    Last week , Bernardo hees moved from burgers to condiments , announcing that he would leave his job as CEO of Burger King ( BKW ) to CEO of Heinz ( HNZ ) .

  30. 近几年来,Crispin的广告复兴了汉堡王等品牌,它还为Mini和大众设计了引人称赞的宣传活动。

    In recent years , Crispin has revived , among other brands , Burger King , while coming up with admired campaigns for the Mini and Volkswagen .