
  • 网络Hanyuan County
  1. 汉源县花椒的土壤理化特性与产量关系的初步研究

    Relationship between yield of Hanyuan prickly ash ( zanthoxytum bungeamum ) and physical and chemical properties of soil

  2. 四川省汉源县花椒油厂

    Hanyuan County Wild Pepper Oil Mill , Sichuan Province

  3. 汶川地震汉源县烈度异常区地质构造背景分析

    Analysis on Geological Structure Background of Hanyuan Intensity Anomalies in Wenchuan M_S8.0 Earthquake

  4. 古路村位于中国四川省汉源县的深山里,这座村鲜为人知。

    Gulu is a little-known village located in mountainous Hanyuan County , Sichuan Province , China .

  5. 其中,耕地相对变化率超过全市平均水平的有名山县、汉源县、芦山县、宝兴县,耕地利用相对变化率大致分布的空间格局是:北部和南部相对变化大,中部相对变化小;

    These counties that comparative rate of plowland change had exceeded average are Mingshan , Hanyuan , Lushan , Baoxing .

  6. 该职位的工作地点从四川省汉源县开始,主要工作将在甘洛县进行。

    The Project Trainee will be based initially in the Field Office in Hanyuan and work mainly in Ganluo County .

  7. 本文通过对瀑布沟水库主要淹没区汉源县淹没损失以及土地后备资源的分析,提出了汉源县移民安置的初步意见和建议。

    The authors study the inundation loss and reserve land resource in the main inundated area of Hanyuan County in Pubugou reservoir region and give the preliminary opinions and suggestions on Hanyuan migration settlement .