
hàn yǔ
  • Chinese
汉语 [hàn yǔ]
  • [Chinese] 汉族的语言。构成汉藏语族的一个分支,其口语形式差别很大,但有共同的以形象符号直接体现词意而与发音不相联系的书面体系。主要方言分北方话、吴语、湘语、赣语、客家话、闽北话、闽南话和粤语等

汉语[hàn yǔ]
  1. 我们听不懂他们在讲些什么,因为他们说的是汉语。

    We couldn 't understand them because they were talking in Chinese .

  2. 去年只有三十名学生获得汉语学士学位。

    Only thirty students graduated in Chinese last year .

  3. ginseng这个词来自汉语的“人参”。

    The word ' ginseng ' comes from the Chinese word ' ren-shen ' .

  4. 剧院将提供英语和汉语的同声翻译。

    The theatre will provide simultaneous translation in both English and Chinese .

  5. 这些名称是直接从汉语中舶来的。

    The names are direct borrowings from the Chinese .

  6. 这不是汉语所特有的,而是泰语的一个特征。

    This is not typical of Chinese , but is a feature of the Thai language

  7. 把这首诗的头三节翻译成汉语。

    Translate the first three verses of the poem into Chinese .

  8. 现在有很多外国留学生来中国学习汉语。

    There are many overseas students now coming to China to study Chinese .

  9. 数次访问北京后,她学会了一点汉语。

    After several visits to Beijing , she had learned a little Chinese .

  10. 我将辅导他准备汉语考试。

    I will coach him for Chinese examinations .

  11. 汉语是我的母语。

    Chinese is my native language .

  12. 他学汉语刚刚入门。

    He has just learned the rudiments of Chinese .

  13. 他的汉语底子厚。

    He has a good grounding in Chinese .

  14. 玛丽雄心很大,竟想在四个月里学会用汉语流利地会话。

    Mary is ambitious enough to aspire to conversational fluency in Chinese in four months .

  15. 中国采用拉丁字母作为汉语拼音字母。

    China has adopted the Latin alphabet as the Chinese phonetic alphabet .

  16. 他的技能之一是会讲汉语。

    The ability to speak Chinese was among his attainments .

  17. 我从来没有遇到一个外国人汉语说得这么好。

    I have never met a foreigner who speaks such perfect chinese .

  18. 学生们的汉语水平参差不齐。

    The students have different levels of Chinese proficiency .

  19. 汉语音节结构的复杂性主要是其韵核前介音的归属问题。

    The complexity of the Chinese syllable structure is syllabic status of the prenuclear glides .

  20. 我可以借你的汉语字典吗?

    May I borrow your Chinese dictionary ?

  21. 汉语是必修课。

    Chinese is a compulsory subject .

  22. 汉语拼音字母有手写体和印刷体两种体式。

    There are two written forms of the Chinese phonetic alphabet , the cursive and the printed .

  23. 他的汉语底子差,对他不能苛求。

    He has a poor grounding in chinese , so don 't make excessive demands of him .

  24. 副词“更”在古代汉语和现代汉语中的使用频率很高。

    In both ancient and modern Chinese languages , the adverb " geng " is very often used .

  25. 西班牙语和汉语越来越占上风。

    Spanish and Chinese are increasingly taking over .

  26. 意大利高中索菲·斯科尔(SophieScholl)将汉语列入毕业考试清单,今年将有29名学生参加该考试。

    Chinese has been added to the graduation exam list by Sophie Scholl , an Italian high school and 29 students will take the test this year .

  27. 在她的帮助下,我的汉语进步了很多。

    With her help , my Chinese has improved a lot .

  28. 然而,如今汉语在世界各地都更受欢迎了。

    However , Chinese is more popular around the world today .

  29. 最近我参加了一个学习汉语的项目。

    Recently I took part in a program to study Chinese .

  30. 许多国家在学校开设汉语课程。

    Many countries set up Chinese courses in their schools .