
  • Korean;Korean Language;Hangul;Hangeul;CJK;Korean with Listening
  1. 该片的大多数对话都是韩语,所以金球奖主办方将其归为外语片类别。

    Most of the dialogue is in Korean , so the organisers of the Golden Globes put it in the Foreign Language Film category .

  2. 最好不要请她跳salsa(萨尔萨舞),它在韩语中的意思是腹泻。

    Its probably best not to ask for salsa : it means diarrhoea in Korean .

  3. 与koKR地区对应的用韩语编码的JSP在ko子目录中。

    The Korean-encoded JSPs corresponding to the ko_KR locale are in the ko subdirectory .

  4. 尽管很多人可能不懂韩语,但这首MV已经红遍互联网。

    Even as many may not understand the language , the video has become the talk of the Internet .

  5. 2008年,谷歌没有遵守这部要求人们实名上传视频的法律,而是关闭了其韩语YouTube网站。

    Google in 2008 closed its Korea-based YouTube site rather than comply with the requirement for people who uploaded videos .

  6. 周四的裁决消息公布后,谷歌公司(GoogleInc.)说,将重启该公司韩语YouTube服务,不过没有透露具体日期。

    Following Thursday 's ruling , Google Inc. said it would restart its Korean language YouTube service , though it didn 't give a specific date .

  7. 金·凯瑞(JimCarrey)饰演的主角接受了这个挑战,结果学了韩语,上了飞行课,还升了职。

    Jim Carrey 's character takes on this challenge and ends up learning Korean , taking flying lessons , and getting promoted .

  8. 为国际化的受众生成PDF内容提出了一项挑战,特别是日语、中文和韩语这类语言的双字节特性更需要专门考虑。

    Generating PDF content for an international audience poses challenges , especially since the double-byte nature of languages like Japanese , Chinese , and Korean require special considerations .

  9. 但是,来自汉城的用户期望看到用韩语表示的应用程序提示,他们的地区是koKR。

    However , the user coming in from Seoul expects to see the application prompts in Korean , with a locale of ko_KR .

  10. 据韩国制作人透露,韩语版《歌剧魅影》(ThePhantomoftheOpera)在2001年获得意想不到的成功后,美国及英国音乐剧的门票销售额开始攀升。

    Ticket sales began to climb for American and British musicals after the unexpected success of a Korean-language version of The Phantom of the Opera in 2001 , according to Korean producers .

  11. 在过去的两年中,宝儿重新将工作重心搬回韩国乐坛。2012年7月,她发行了近两年来首张个人韩语大碟——《OnlyOne》。2013年1月到4月,她举办了自己的首场韩国巡回演唱会。

    ore than 1 million albums in Japan . Over the past two years , BoA has refocused her career in K-pop . In July 2012 , she released Only One , her first Korean album in two years . And from January to April 2013 , she went on her first tour of South Korea .

  12. HB娱乐公司正在与一家中国公司合作,特别针对中国市场制作两部与《来自星星的你》类似的新剧,一部是中文的,一部是韩语的,但都会加上字幕。

    HB Entertainment is partnering with a Chinese company to produce two new dramas similar to " Star " specifically for the Chinese market , one in Chinese and one in Korean with subtitles 。

  13. 据韩美联谊协会介绍,赖斯的韩语名为RaI-su(罗梨秀),意思是“美丽至极的梨花”。

    Rice was nicknamed Ra I-su , meaning " a pear flower with surpassing beauty ," said the Korea-US Alliance Friendship Society .

  14. Brooksbank两年前开始学习韩语,并很快痴迷上了韩语。

    Brooksbank took up Korean two years ago and quickly became obsessed .

  15. 从为KittyWhite(HelloKitty的真名)主题航班专门打造的网站(仅支持汉语、韩语和日语)中我们可以得知,HelloKitty和三个苹果一样重、五个苹果一样高。

    A dedicated website ( in Chinese , Korean and Japanese only ) features Kitty White Hello Kitty 's real name from which we learn that Hello Kitty weighs as much as three apples and is as tall as five apples .

  16. 韩语中甚至有个词来形容用完这些产品后所期待的饱满水润的感觉:chokchok(大意是水灵灵的)。

    There is even a term for the desired plump and sticky feeling after application of these products : chok chok .

  17. DBCS支持包含大量特殊字符或符号的国家语言,例如日语、韩语和中文。

    A DBCS supports national languages that contain a large number of unique characters or symbols , for example Japanese , Korean , and Chinese .

  18. Lim在JYP经过了三年多的练习生培训,并且精通四国语言:英语、韩语、中文普通话和粤语。

    Lim has gone through extensive training at the JYP Academy for three years and is fluent in four languages : English , Korean , Mandarin and Cantonese .

  19. SM公司为旗下最火的男孩乐队之一打造了两个版本:成员共6人的EXO-K以韩语演唱,而对应的EXO-M的6名成员则瞄准巨大的中国市场,用中文演唱同样的歌曲。

    It has produced two iterations of one of its most popular boy bands : the six members of EXO-K sing in Korean , while their counterparts in EXO-M perform the same songs in Mandarin for the huge Chinese market .

  20. Hodori的何来自于韩语的虎字,和大道是一种常见的男性身材矮小。

    The " Ho " in " Hodori " comes from the Korean word for tiger , and " Dori " is a common masculine diminutive .

  21. 这款名为C-FACE的智能口罩不但可以用来防护新冠病毒,而且可以将佩戴者说的话从日语翻译成越南语、英语、西班牙语、汉语、韩语、泰语、印尼语和法语。

    The C-FACE Smart Mask still protects from the spread of COVID-19 , but can also translate the wearer 's speech from Japanese into Vietnamese , English , Spanish , Chinese , Korean , Thai , Indonesian , and French .

  22. 他们说汉语、日语、韩语以及其他的语言。

    They speak Chinese , Japanese , Korean and other languages .

  23. 我是一名朝鲜族,韩语是我的母语。

    I am a Korean , Korean is my native language .

  24. 另20名被试被随机选入书面报告组,作为控制组,要求他们用汉语或韩语写出惯用语的比喻意义。

    The latter 20 subjects are randomly selected as control group .

  25. 本文的选题源于笔者对汉语和韩语否定词的思考。

    This thesis comes from the Chinese and Korean negative thinking .

  26. 第三,韩语重男轻女的倾向更加明显。

    Third , Korean tend to man is superior to woman .

  27. 韩语罗马字表记法的历史与现状

    Romanized Expressions in the Korean Language : Its Past and Present

  28. 看看韩语流行音乐的例子。

    Look at Korean pop , look at K-pop for example .

  29. 因此,本文主要关注从汉语到韩语的机器翻译任务。

    Thus , this work focuses on Chinese-Korean machine translation .

  30. 首先介绍了韩语汉字词的概念。

    The first is the definition of Korean-Chinese character words .