
  • 网络Korean National Assembly
  1. 韩国国会议员、KeSPA会长田炳宪(JunByung-hun)说,年龄较大的人仍然对电子游戏极其缺乏了解。

    Jun Byung-hun , a South Korean National Assembly member and the head of the country 's e-sports governance body , KeSPA , said there was still a lot of ignorance from older generations about video gaming .

  2. 韩国国会图书馆印象

    Impression of Korean National Assembly Library

  3. 朝鲜希望与韩国国会议员举行会谈。

    DPRK wants lawmaker talks with S.Korea .

  4. 不过这项协议还必须通过美国议会和韩国国会的批准,双方都要面对存在的阻力。

    It must be ratified by Congress and South Korea 's parliament and faces obstacles in both places .

  5. 韩国国会很可能会在9月通过这项修正案,承认动物是有知觉的生物,且拥有被保护及享受福利的权利。

    The amendment will probably be approved by parliament in September and will recognise animals as sentient beings , with a right to protection and welfare .

  6. 随着不安全感的日益加剧,韩国国会已经立法规定,如果韩国公司要向海外转移核心技术,需要得到政府的许可,以防技术泄露。

    Prodded by the increasing sense of insecurity , parliament has legislated to prevent technology leaks by requiring Korean companies to get government permission if they want to transfer core technologies overseas .

  7. 韩国养牛业界人士及其支持者星期四展开了强有力的活动。韩国国会星期五即将召开会议,预计其主要议题将是韩美贸易问题。

    South Korean cattle farmers and their supporters came out in force , Thursday , one day before a scheduled parliament session expected to be dominated by debate about trade with the United States .