
  • 网络korean economy
  1. 汇丰(HSBC)追踪韩国经济的弗雷德里克•纽曼(FredericNeumann)指出:我们认为韩国是一个制造电脑芯片和电话的出口大国,但是,韩国人把出口所得都花在去海滩上了。

    We think of Korea as an export powerhouse , making computer chips and phones , but whatever Koreans take in from exports they spend by going to the beach , says Frederic Neumann , who tracks the Korean economy for HSBC .

  2. 少数几家由家族控制的企业集团主导着韩国经济。

    A handful of family-controlled conglomerates dominate the South Korean economy .

  3. 韩国经济结构变化与CO2排放关系及启示

    The Relationship between Economic Structural Change and Carbon Dioxide Emission of Republic of Korea Experiences and Its Enlightenment

  4. 从汉江奇迹到IMF危机&韩国经济发展中的产业政策评析

    From Han Kang Miracle to IMF Crisis & Evaluation of Korean 's Industrial Policy in Economic Development

  5. 韩国经济研究所(KoreaEconomicResearchInstitute)数据显示,从2009年到2014年,韩国国内游戏开发者人数下降30%,至1.4万人,同时不断亏损的中型企业被迫进行裁员。

    The number of local game developers fell 30per cent to 14000 between 2009 and 2014 , according to Korea Economic ResearchInstitute , while midsized lossmaking companies have slashed their workforces .

  6. imf预计韩国经济将下降4%,尽管该国政府一直要乐观得多。

    The IMF is predicting a 4 per cent contraction in South Korea , though the government in Seoul is sticking much more optimistic .

  7. 文化因素为韩国经济发展提供了有力的支撑。

    The cultural factor offers strong support for Korean economic development .

  8. 美国的开发援助政策与韩国经济起飞

    The U.S.Economic Development Assistance Policy and Taking-off of ROK Economy

  9. 韩国经济发展的出口带动战略

    The export - leading strategy in Korea 's economic development

  10. 尹增铉预测,韩国经济将减少大约20万个就业机会。

    Yoon estimates the South Korean economy will shed about 200000 jobs .

  11. 韩国经济结构变化的因素分析

    The Factor Analysis of the Economic Structure Change in Korea

  12. 山东半岛与韩国经济合作的战略研究

    A Study on the Economic Cooperation Strategies between Korea and Shandong Peninsula

  13. 从大宇集团的破产看韩国经济

    Judging Korean economy by looking into Daewoo ′ s bankruptcy

  14. 外籍劳动力对韩国经济发展的影响研究

    Study on the Impact of Foreign Labor on South Korean Economic Development

  15. 金融改革的成功极大地促进了韩国经济的恢复进程。

    The Success of financial reform led to the recovery of Korean economy .

  16. 受1997年亚洲金融危机的影响,韩国经济遭受巨大损失。

    Influenced by Asian finance crisis in 1997 , Korean economy declined sharply .

  17. 在韩国经济发展中,韩国输出入银行发挥着重要的作用。

    In Korean development , its import bank has played an important part .

  18. 老年人是韩国经济成功发展的牺牲品。

    South Korea 's grandparents are victims of their country 's economic success .

  19. 市场规则建设与韩国经济发展

    The Research on the Relationship of Market Rule Establishment and South Korean Economic Development

  20. 韩国经济的起飞是东亚崛起的重要组成部分。

    Korea economic take-off is an important part of the rise of East Asia .

  21. 韩国经济再现汉江奇迹的原因和启示

    Reappearance of " HanJiang Miracle " in South Korean Economy : Causes and Implications

  22. 韩日邦交正常化的实现及其对韩国经济发展的影响

    Diplomatic Normalization between South Korea and Japan and Its Impacts on Korean Economic Development

  23. 文化对韩国经济发展的影响

    Impact on Korean economic development of culture

  24. 从罗斯托的经济成长阶段论看韩国经济发展

    Analysis of Korean Economic Development on the Basis of Rostow 's Stages of Economic Growth

  25. 此外,随着韩国经济走强,该国预期将在未来几个月内收紧货币政策。

    South Korea is expected to tighten monetary policy in coming months as its economy strengthens .

  26. 韩国经济发展的制度因素及其对我国的启示

    The Institutional Factor on the Development of South Korean Economic and the Enlightenment for Our Country

  27. 现代所走的路成了整个韩国经济的象征性变化。

    Along the way , Hyundai has become emblematic of the changes sweeping Korea 's economy .

  28. 韩国经济发展中的对外贸易

    Foreign Trade in Korea Economic Development

  29. 今年第一季度,韩国经济较上年同期增长5.8%。

    The South Korean economy grew 5.8 per cent in the first quarter from a year ago .

  30. 近40年来,韩国经济取得了前所未有的惊人发展,人均国民收入从1962年的87美元上升到2004年的14100美元。

    In the past thirty years , the economy of Republic of Korea have made a rapid development .