
  • 网络Hancheng;hancheng city
  1. 韩城市周边遗存风水塔的地域特征及其文化价值研究

    Study on the regional characteristic of the ancient Fengshui pagoda and its cultural value in Hancheng city

  2. 中小煤炭城市主导产业的可持续发展对策&以陕西省韩城市为例

    The sustainable development countermeasure of dominant industry in middle and small coal city & taking Hancheng City as an example

  3. 韩城市大气环境质量状况及治理措施

    A Study on the Atmosphere Environmental Quality of Hancheng Urban

  4. 韩城市城镇商业用地估价方法的研究

    Business vision Method for Han Cheng 's commercial land assessment

  5. 最终测算出2002年韩城市城区商业用地基准地价。

    Finally we calculated standard land price of Han Cheng 's commercial land in 2002 .

  6. 韩城市花椒园土壤养分状况及施肥研究

    Study on soil nutrient condition and fertilizer application in Chinese prickly ash orchard in Hancheng

  7. 韩城市警方在一条深沟中发现了失踪的女孩,女孩除受到几处划伤及脱水外,并无大碍。

    Police in Hancheng city found the girl in a deep ditch and said she suffered no serious injuries except for scratches and dehydration .

  8. 本文以位于渭河平原水蚀区与黄土高原沟壑水蚀区交错带的韩城市为研究区。

    This paper take Hancheng as study area , which located at the ecotone between the Weihe River plain water erosion area and the Loess Plateau gully erosion zone .

  9. 韩城市位于关中地区东北隅,距省会西安240余公里,1986年12月被命名为全国历史文化名城。

    Hancheng city in the northeastern coner of the Guanzhong area , 240 km from the provincial capital Xi'an , and in December 1986 was named as the National Historical and Cultural City .

  10. 党家村位于陕西省韩城市东北方向,距城区九公里,主要有党、贾两族。

    Dang village is located in the northeast of Han city in Shanxi province , it is9 kilometers far away from town , there are two main family name " Dang , Jia " .

  11. 本文以煤炭城市韩城市为例,针对城市主导产业现状及城市环境问题,分析产业结构发展的机制、工业企业与社会环境的相关关系,提出可持续发展的对策。

    According to the study of the present situation of dominant industrial and urban environment problems in Hancheng city , this article analyses the development mechanisms of the industrial structure and the correlation between industrial enterprise and social environment , and proposes the countermeasure of sustainable development .