
  • 网络Won;Korean won;KRW
  1. SKTelecom发言人表示,作为韩国独家销售GalaxyRound的电信运营商,该公司为同时购买GalaxyRound和三星的GalaxyGear智能手表的消费者提供大约10万韩圆(合95美元)至15万韩圆(合142美元)的折扣。

    SK Telecom , the only carrier selling the Galaxy Round in Korea , is offering a discount of approximately 100000 won ( $ 95 ) to 150000 won ( $ 142 ) to anyone buying the phone together with Samsung 's Galaxy Gear smartwatch , a company spokeswoman said .

  2. 朱尤提周二表示,管理层还未作出最后决定,但不太可能削减今年计划的6.84万亿韩圆(合74亿美元)的预算。

    Chu said yesterday that executives hadn 't made a final decision but aren 't likely to cut back from this year 's planned spending of6.84 trillion won ( $ 7.4 billion ) .