
  • 网络canadian dollar;Cad;Can;loonie
  1. 加拿大元贬值5分。

    The Canadian dollar has plunged five cents in value .

  2. 持有加拿大元等商品货币也给不少基金带来了丰厚回报。

    Owning commodity currencies , such as the Canadian dollar , also proved lucrative for some funds .

  3. 单次集成成本:简单=32000加拿大元(CAD);中等=CAD95000;复杂=CAD190000

    Cost of one integration : Simple = 32,000 Canadian dollars ( CAD ); Medium = CAD95,000 ; Complex = CAD190,000

  4. 清算系统Swift数据显示:去年12月,人民币超过加拿大元和澳元,进入全球使用量最大的五种货币行列。

    The Chinese currency broke into the top five most used payments currencies in December , according to data from clearing system Swift , overtaking the Canadian and Australian dollars .

  5. IMF数据展现出的另一大显著趋势是,近期澳元以及加拿大元作为储备货币的新选择大受追捧;一些分析师猜测,澳元出人意料的弹性或许正反映了持续买盘的影响。

    Another clear trend in the IMF data is the recent popularity of the Australian and Canadian dollars as alternative reserve currencies , and some analysts speculate that unexpected resilience in the Aussie might reflect continued purchases .

  6. 2003年加拿大元升值抵消了纸价格盈利

    Canadian Pulp and Paper Industry : Rise in Value of Canadian $ Offsets Pricing Gain in 2003

  7. 从全球外汇交易额看,人民币仍然落后于墨西哥比索和加拿大元。

    In terms of global foreign-exchange turnover , it still trails the Mexican peso and Canadian dollar .

  8. 一小时的课要花12加拿大元(9.2美元),还包括2张啤酒打折券。

    The one hour class costs CAD $ 12 ( $ 9.20 ) and includes two tickets for discounted beer .

  9. 英镑,瑞典克朗,瑞士法郎和加拿大元的汇率同样也是高于其汉堡包基准。

    The British pound , Swedish krona , Swiss franc and Canadian dollar are also trading well above their burger benchmark .

  10. 这一趋势在与全球增长及大宗商品需求相关的其它币种中也得到了体现,包括新西兰元和加拿大元。

    That trend is reflected in other currencies linked to global growth and commodity demand , including the New Zealand and Canadian dollars .

  11. 加拿大元也可以成为利用中国经济放缓获利的具体途径,只是这个途径不那么显眼。

    The Canadian dollar could be another , less obvious way to play a Chinese slowdown , particularly for those feeling gloomy about the U.

  12. 确实,2009年黄金的欧元、英磅和加拿大元价格达到了有记录以来的最高水平,是一个大幅度的增长。

    Indeed , the prices of gold in euros , British pounds and Canadiandollars set their record highs , by a large margin , in2009 .

  13. 这种强烈需求带来一个问题:对加拿大元的升值起到了推波助澜的作用,使得东部的厂商生存更加艰难。

    This boom brings a problem : it is helping to drive up the Canadian dollar , which risks making life more difficult for manufacturers back east .

  14. 首先,紧密的贸易联系使加拿大元、澳大利亚元和瑞士法郎分别成为美元、人民币和前德国马克的替代品。

    First , close trade links make the Canadian dollar , Australian dollar and Swiss Franc substitutes for the US dollar , Chinese yuan and old deutschemark respectively .

  15. 虽然人民币交易量与美元和欧元相比仍很小,但它正在快速赶上加拿大元和瑞士法郎。

    Although renminbi volumes remain small compared with the US dollar and the euro , it is fast gaining ground on the Canadian dollar and the Swiss franc .

  16. 而且加拿大元的贬值也为加拿大国内的石油企业提供了另一层缓冲,因为这些企业的产品是以如今更具价值的美元支付的。

    The drop in the Canadian dollar has also provided an added cushion for domestic oil companies that are paid for their products in the now more valuable American currency .

  17. 正因如此,瑞士法郎今年兑美元和欧元汇率都创下历史新高,澳大利亚元兑美元汇率达到30年以来的高点,加拿大元也几乎达到创纪录水平。

    As a result , the Swiss Franc has made new all-time highs against the US dollar and the euro this year , the Australian dollar has hit three decade highs against the greenback and the Canadian dollar has almost reached record levels too .

  18. 于是投资者转而投向其他货币,而瑞士法郎、加拿大元和澳大利亚元不论从全球外汇市场的日交易量、还是各国央行外汇储备的构成来看都日显重要。

    As a result investors have turned to alternative currencies and the Swiss franc , Canadian and Australian dollars have gained in prominence both in terms of daily turnover in the global currency markets and in the composition of central banks ' foreign exchange reserves .

  19. 这是新加拿大币100元中的安全线

    It 's a security fiber for the new Canadian $ 100 bill .

  20. 卡夫瑞是对的银行储藏室里的东西是新加拿大币100元的安全线

    Caffrey was right.That stuff from the bank vault - Security fibersfor the new canadian 100 .