- 网络Processing trade enterprises

Processing trade enterprises are the most important part of foreign trade enterprises , whose occupation ratio of import and export amount is 45.4 % in total foreign trade in 2008 .
A Review and Analysis on Production Control Mode in Chinese Processing Trade Enterprises
In this period , processing trade enterprise began to Foreign Exchange Risk Management according to the change of the external environment and internal operation characteristics .
The Problems and Suggestions for Suzhou Processing Trade Company
A Comparative Study on Strategic Choice of the Processing Trade Enterprises in Yantai City
Trade Method , Production Control , and Transition and Upgrading of Enterprises in the Processing Trade
The International Financial Crisis has caused serious effects on the processing trade enterprises in Guangdong province .
Enterprises of processing trade in bonded areas will not be involved in classified management by the Customs .
One of the aims of China custom is to manage enterprise in way of network and information .
From 2005 to 2009 , the great change of RMB exchange rate and market environment weakened ability of resisting exchange rate risk .
Facing the standard of social responsibility , processing trade should positively search for countermeasures and adapt to it as soon as possible .
The term " processing trade enterprises " shall include the operating enterprises and processing enterprises that have been registered with the customs .
The topic of trademark infringement has become the focus of public under the wave of the financial crisis and the transformation in manufacturing .
The motivation and guidance mechanism of processing trade enterprises ' creating self-owned brands is a completely topic in the research area of self-owned brand .
The appraisal of classified enterprises undertaking processing trade shall be taken in common by enterprise administration departments and competent authorities responsible for processing trade .
On the one hand , it is a must for us to do so in accordance to the transformation of our national economic pattern ;
This cooperation pattern strengthens the validity of the cluster operation and enhances the whole efficiency of the system , and helps the development as well .
After the reform of RMB exchange rate system in 2005 , the first risk that processing trade enterprise met is the growth RMB exchange rate .
If conditions permit , the processing trade enterprise may accept the administration of unit consumption of the competent customs office by way of computer network connection .
The competent commerce department may not approve any enterprise failing to pass the check on operation situation and production capacity to engage in processing trade business .
And implement a new " big handbook " processing trade management and supervision model for the processing trade enterprises that meet the supervision requirements of customs clearance .
Therefore , researching on Reengineering Process of Customs handbook import and export is real meaningful to lawful operation , improvement of Customs Clearance and reduction of logistics cost .
Incorporating the indices about environmental protection , energy consumption , employment and equipment level , etc. , into the scope of check on operation situation and production capacity .
Scholars have pointed out that the majority of enterprises in Dongguan are export-oriented enterprises , and more for " three to fill a " labor-intensive processing trade Enterprises .
Although large enterprise seems to be easier to obtain upgrading resources , however , under the same conditions , upgrading effect of small businesses seems to be more significant .
This paper holds that integrating other existing financing services into the supply chain financing can promote the credit level of core enterprises and improve the financing ability of processing trade enterprises .
Finally , the aforementioned customs processing trade enterprises some elements of risk , the proposed processing trade enterprises should take positive and effective measures , by strengthening customs risk management to improve enterprise competitiveness .
Selecting the experimental issue of General Administration of Customs of P.R.China as an opportunity , and choosing the processing trade enterprises as a breakthrough , the paper formulate the risk monitoring indexing set on the enterprise of processing trade .
Both foreign and domestic scholars have conducted plenty of researches into processing trade enterprises as well as self-owned brands respectively . However , recent studies are less involved with the motivation and guidance mechanism of specific areas and industries ' self-owned brand formation .
The researcher employs diverse theories ranging from Value Chain , Smiling Theory , and Comparative Advantage to Product Life Cycle to justify the necessity and validity of the transformation and upgrading for the processing trade industries and to attempt to stage out the corresponding scientific path .