
jiā ménɡ diàn
  • franchiser;affiliated shop
  1. 独家买断权:加盟店可申请买断县级市、地级市独家经营权;

    Exclusive right : Franchiser can apply to buy the County-level or prefectural-level monopoly rights .

  2. R特许连锁公司通过在山东省的三四级市场以大力发展连锁加盟店的战略,力求在竞争激烈的家电零售业中取得竞争优势。

    R Franchise Company in Shandong province is trying to gain the advantage over its competitors in the fierce competitive environment by developing chain stores through level 3 and 4 markets .

  3. 监督、指导直营店、加盟店的销售情况。

    Supervision and guidance of wholly owned stores , franchise sales .

  4. 他在购物商场经营一家小加盟店。

    He runs a small franchise at the mall .

  5. 3了解家具行业,对加盟店所在城市的消费有准确的市场论证;

    3 familiar with furniture industry and specified market analysis over local consumption market .

  6. 焙烤加盟店:准备好了吗?

    Bake the Roast Shop Allied : Ready ?

  7. 药品零售连锁企业加盟店的现状与监管研究

    The Research on Status and Supervision of the Franchisee of Pharmacy Retail Chain Enterprise

  8. 这家亚洲风格的冰淇淋店在洛杉矶有三家分店和一家加盟店。

    This Asian-inspired creamery has three locations and a cult following in Los Angeles .

  9. 培训全国特许加盟店教练队伍发展;

    Training the coaches of the franchise shops ;

  10. 明天总店将派员考察各加盟店的销售情况。

    The head office will appoint some people to inspect the sales of all franchises .

  11. 如果我决定在那个区域开一个加盟店怎么办呢?

    What happens if I decide I wanna open a hamburger joint in that area ?

  12. 本文所采用的最少点覆盖启发式算法为其他生态食品加盟店提供了参考依据。

    The min vertex cover heuristic algorithm adopts in this paper provides references for other ecological food franchisees .

  13. 目前宜家集团拥有318家分店,这还不包括48家特许加盟店;

    Today the Ikea Group has 318 stores , not including the brand 's some four dozen franchised locations ;

  14. 这也就是为何我相信布里亚托利在美国发展的那些加盟店也差不多都破产的原因。

    This is why I am confident that most of the franchises that Briatore sold in the States went belly-up .

  15. 并且通过对市场的分析和论证,认为生态家昆明加盟店采取这一战略具有合理性和可行性。

    And through the market analysis and demonstrates , we can make sure that this strategy has its rationality and feasibility .

  16. 同时还要推进“绿色加盟店”制度,对骑自行车顾客实施优惠。

    The project also promotes a " green franchise " policy to support merchandisers who offer discounts to those commuting by bike .

  17. 目前国际间一种行之有效的商业经营形式&加盟店,是社会经济发展到一定阶段的客观趋势,市场供不应求的生态食品与行之有效的商业模式相配套。

    At present , there is an internationally effective business operation style & franchisees , an objective trend of the social economic development .

  18. 以信息与知识共享,销售物流,对加盟店的激励和管理为主要框架;

    The Information and Knowledge Sharing , the Marketing Logistics , the Emulating and Management of the chain store form the projects rudiment .

  19. 中国媒体称,北京的一家赛百味加盟店改动了肉类、饮料和蔬菜的生产日期和保质期,以延长食品的使用时间。

    Chinese media said one Beijing franchise of Subway changed expiry and production dates on meat , drink and vegetables to extend their use .

  20. 产品款式新颖,造型独特,材质各异,品质优异,能满足不同消费者的需求,且能销往全国各地加盟店。

    Products are fashionable and unique style , different material , excellent quality and can meet different consumer needs , and can sell franchises across the country .

  21. 调研报告显示,麦当劳要求特许加盟店重新装修店铺,扩大咖啡销量,对此,一些加盟店担心此举成本过高,自己的投资可能收不回来。

    A poll of franchisees shows some concern that corporate demands to redo stores and sell more coffee cost too much and might not pay off in the end .

  22. 同时,日本最大的便利店运营商7-11计划年底前在中国开张第一家加盟店。

    Meanwhile , Seven-Eleven Japan , Japan 's leading convenience store operator , has plans to open its first franchise store in China by the end of the year .

  23. 具体从选址影响因素,选址的程序、选址的方法等方面设计生态食品加盟店的选址。

    In specific situation , the site selection of the ecological food franchisees is designed from such aspects as the influencing factors , the procedures and methods of the site selection .

  24. 由蓝霸颁发的技术岗位证书将同时得到国际认可,是一本国际通用的技术等级证书。蓝霸培训体系负责加盟店全程培训。

    The technical post certificate which issued by Lamba is an international general certificate on technical grade . lamba 's training system will take charge of Napa store 's whole training .

  25. 目前这项功能还远未开发完成,未来它将是一个包罗万象的地图功能,能把用户所在社区(比如纽约的西村)所有加盟店——不管规模大小——的所有在售商品都集中起来。

    Far from finished , Neighborhoods will be a comprehensive mapping feature that aggregates available items from all participating stores -- large and small -- in your neighborhood ( e.g. New York City 's West Village ) .

  26. 主要是通过一定的联结纽带,按照一定的商业规则,主导企业把自己开发的产品,以营业合同的形式,授予加盟店在规定区域内的经销权或营业权。

    Mainly through certain link link , according to certain business rules , leading enterprises to develop their own products to business contracts in the form of grant provisions in the franchise distribution rights within the region or business right .

  27. 为确保加盟店的质量,提出了打造银座经济型酒店管理学院的思路,通过系统、标准的培训,为银座经济型酒店的快速发展提供必要的人才保障。

    To ensure the quality of chain stores , the paper proposes the idea of building an administration school . This school can provide personnel security for the rapid development of Silver Plaza budget hotel by implementing systematic and standard training .

  28. 自2000年以来,特许连锁经营在我国发展迅速,但成功率低,原因之一是特许总部缺乏对加盟店全面完善的服务。

    The booming time of franchise in China began in 2000 and is still on . But the attainment rate is low . One of the reasons is the lack of comprehensive and sound services to the partnership stores delivered by the franchisers .

  29. 随着特许经营体系的扩大,加盟店越来越多,其单位成本和追加成本都会下降,也越来越容易获得规模经济的好处,这就驱使特许经营体系不断自我强化,表现出路径依赖的特征。

    With the expansion of franchise systems , stores more and more , its unit costs and additional costs will decline , therefore the franchise can more easily access to the benefits of scale economy . This drives franchise continuous self-reinforcing , showing the path-dependence characteristic .

  30. 润谷的宗旨是不断为客户创造价值,实现双赢!欢迎国内商界朋友加盟专卖店或代理经销。

    Our aim is keeping to creat new value for our customers , make Double Win with customer , Welcome new Sales Agent and Distributor joining us .