
jìnɡ wài tóu zī qǐ yè
  • Chinese-invested enterprises abroad
  1. 我国境外投资企业的增多、投资规模的增加迫切需要建立我国境外投资保护制度。

    The increasing of offshore investment needs the establishment of Chinese offshore investment protection system .

  2. 境内机构可以向其境外直接投资企业提供商业贷款及融资性担保。

    Domestic institutions may provide commercial loans and financing guarantees to the offshore enterprises in which they have direct investment .

  3. 设立特殊目的公司时的境外投资开办企业批准文件和证书;

    The approval documents and certificates for investment in and establishment of overseas enterprises when setting up the special purpose company ;

  4. 企业在境外投资设立的企业,其年度会计报表审计按照所在地有关法律规定执行。

    For enterprises investing invested and establishing established enterprises overseas by the enterprises , the auditing ofn their annual accounting statements shall be implemented in accordance withgoverned by pertinent laws and regulations of the residence .

  5. 为境外企业、外商投资企业提供法律服务是我所的常规业务之一。

    To provide legal service for overseas entities and foreign invested companies is one of our regular businesses .

  6. 为推动我国境外投资的发展,我国应建立统一的境外投资法律体系,完善投资保险制度,建立境外投资企业鼓励和服务制度。

    In order to promote the development of overseas investment , we should formulate a unified legal system , perfect domestic investing insurance system , and take measures to encourage overseas enterprises to invest , and establish pertinent service systems .