
  1. 0.2%的暗娼性伴中有境外人员。

    CSW cases with abroad sex-partner accounted for 0.2 % .

  2. 关于境外人员管理的和谐控制论的思考控制教师教学情绪、建立和谐教学关系

    The Control of Teachers ' Sentiment and Establishment of Harmonious Teacher-Student Relationship

  3. 境外人员临时住宿登记表;

    A registration Form of Temporary Accommodation for Aliens .

  4. 对建设境外人员属地化管理机制的思考

    A Reflection upon Local Management Mechanism for Foreigners

  5. 境外人员,应当在居留地提出申请。

    The servicemen ( including armed force servicemen ) shall apply in the present residence .

  6. 注:境外人员应在居留许可签发地址申请驾驶证。

    Remark : Applicants should apply for driver license in the city of residence permit issuance .

  7. 提交昆山暂住地派出所出具的《境外人员临时住宿登记表》;

    Submit Registration Form of Temporary Accommodation for Visitors issued by police station of the temporary residence in Kunshan ;

  8. 对此,我们必须改变观念,创新制度,建立新型的境外人员管理体制。

    In order to adapt new situation , we must change our concept and perfect the regulation of treatment about foreigners .

  9. 派出所(警署)境外人员管理工作因应中国入世的挑战及对策

    The Challenge and Strategy of the Administrative Work of Foreigners of Local Police Station in Correspondence with China 's Entry into WTO

  10. 这伙人在藏身的河谷分散居住,度过冬天。对境外人员散居社会临时住宿登记管理的思考

    These bands wintered separately in sheltered river valleys . On the Administration of the Temporary Residence Registration of Foreign Residents Lived in Scattered Places

  11. 旅游者或度假者在野外的暂时居住地。对境外人员散居社会临时住宿登记管理的思考

    Temporary lodgings in the country for travelers or vacationers . On the Administration of the Temporary Residence Registration of Foreign Residents Lived in Scattered Places

  12. 平安世博视角下的上海境外人员管理对境外人员散居社会临时住宿登记管理的思考

    On Aliens ' Administration in Shanghai for Ensuring the Safety of World Expo On the Administration of the Temporary Residence Registration of Foreign Residents Lived in Scattered Places

  13. 在经济、文化等各种因素促使下,来华境外人员也成逐年上升之势,涉外管理工作的重要性日益显现。

    Economic , cultural and other factors the role of foreigners come to China increased each year , therefore , foreign Affairs Administration has also become increasingly important .

  14. 内地居民大量走出国门从事旅游、商务及劳务活动;境外人员也频繁涌入国内旅游、经商、留学和就业。

    A large number of mainland residents go abroad for tourism , commerce and service activities . Foreigners also enter China for tourism , business , study and employment frequently .

  15. 境外人员所持护照、证件如遗失或被盗(抢),请到案发地派出所报案。

    In case of any lost or stolen of passport , travelling document or residence certificate , you should immediately report to the local police station where the lost or stolen happened .

  16. 基层民警在境外人员管理中,应掌握境外人员的动态信息,建立境外人员管理制度和信息收集制度,及时迅速处置涉外案件,增强执法的国际法律意识,遵守国际规则。

    Local policemen should keep informed of the movement of the foreigners , establish administration system and information-collection system , handle foreign cases promptly and rapidly , strengthen consciousness in the international law enforcement and abide by the international law .

  17. 实施境外人员属地化管理机制应处理好三个关系,即形式和内容的关系,继承和创新的关系,局部和整体的关系。

    In order to bring into effect for local management mechanism , we should deal with three kinds of relations , those are , the relation between form and content , the relation between inheritance and innovation , and the relation between part and whole .

  18. 我们应从制定相应的法规,整合管理体制,建立宣传、教育、培训、督导体系等方面落实境外人员住宿登记管理工作。

    Administrative organs should improve relevant laws and regulations , perfect the administrative system , and establish a system of publicity , education , training and supervision , and thus to enhance the efficiency of the administration of the residence registration of foreign residents lived in scattered places .

  19. 关于维护境外劳务人员合法权益问题的探讨

    On Safeguarding the Legitimate Rights and Interests of Foreign Exports Laborers

  20. 石化企业境外常驻人员医疗保障问题初探

    On Medical Insurance of Personnel Residing Abroad of Petrochemical Enterprise

  21. 境外进京人员仍需进行医学观察和核酸检测。

    All personnel heading to the city from abroad still need medical observation and nucleic acid testing .

  22. 目前国内许多导光板厂商的导光板设计技术尚处于依赖境外设计人员的传统设计或靠经验进行设计的阶段,对导光板网点分布规律和新出现的体散射导光板鲜有理论分析研究。

    At present , design technology and manufacturers of the light guide plate in China still depend on experience or traditional design by oversea designers .

  23. 入境事务人员定期到海外探访,与外国的出入境部门人员保持紧密联系。关于维护境外劳务人员合法权益问题的探讨

    Immigration officers pay regular visits overseas to maintain close liaison with their counterparts abroad . On Safeguarding the Legitimate Rights and Interests of Foreign Exports Laborers

  24. 加强对外投资风险管理,维护我境外企业人员和资产安全。

    It will support companies making overseas investments , strengthen risk management of overseas investments and protect the safety of employees and assets of Chinese enterprises operating overseas .

  25. 从事境外投资的专业人员简历;

    Resumes of its specialized personnel engaged in overseas investment ;

  26. 鉴于以上这些我将继续努力促进关塔那摩监狱的关闭因为美国价值和法律传统不允许我们在境外无限期关押人员

    And that 's why I will continue to push to close Gitmo because American values and legal traditions do not permit the indefinite detention of people beyond our borders

  27. 这是我坚持推进关闭关塔那摩监狱的原因,美国价值观与法律传统不容许在美国境外无限期关押人员。

    And thats why I will continue to push to close Gitmo , because American values and legal traditions do not permit the indefinite detention of people beyond our borders .

  28. 11年间境外财务工作从最初的委派财务人员记简单的日记账、流水账发展到如今的境外财务人员统一管理、境外财务统一核算的局面,取得了长足的进步。

    During the last decade , the overseas financial operations have change from the delegated financial staff who made a simple journal to uniform staff management and unified accounting , which has made considerable progress .