
jìnɡ wài
  • abroad;beyond the borders;beyond the boundaries;outlands
  1. 第二部分境外房地产税收法律制度对我国的借鉴。

    The second part is about our reference from real estate tax law system beyond the boundaries .

  2. 这是少数几件流传到意大利境外的米开朗琪罗作品之一。

    It is one of the very few Michelangelos that have found their way out of Italy

  3. Trailingspouse(随迁配偶)指因为伴侣换工作或者接受工作委派而随其搬到另一个城市的人。境外委派或者国内委派任务中的随迁配偶均可用此表达。

    The term trailing spouse is used to describe a person who follows his or her life partner to another city because of a newly-found job or work assignment .

  4. 均可持身份证件、购物收据以及从这些商店获得的加盖海关图章的GlobalRefund退税支票等,来工商银行办理即时现金退税业务或通过您指定的账户收取款项,享受到“境外消费、境内退税”的便捷服务.

    you can take your identification certificate , shopping receipts , and Global Refund 's refund checks with Customs ' seal acquired from these shops to ICBC to handle spot cash duty refund or collect fund from your designated account . You enjoy convenient service of consumption abroad and refund at home .

  5. 该法共有54条,规定了境外非政府组织在中国运营的登记和备案、活动规范、法律责任以及监督管理。

    The 54-point law clarifies the registration1 process , operational rules and liabilities of overseas NGOs , as well as measures for their operations in China .

  6. 海关总署对检出阳性的境外食品生产企业实施暂停其产品进口申报一周到四周的紧急预防性措施。在口岸环节开展预防性消毒工作

    As part of emergency preventive measures , the GAC suspends import declarations of foreign food makers whose products test positive for one to four weeks .

  7. 中国28日通过了史上首部境外非政府组织管理法,以便于这些组织在大陆合法运行,同时打击任何可能危及国家安全的行为。

    China adopted its first-ever law on overseas NGOs on Thursday to facilitate their legal operations on the mainland but to combat any activity that might harm national security .

  8. 第三十六条中国公民继承在中华人民共和国境外的遗产或者继承在中华人民共和国境内的外国人的遗产,动产适用被继承人住所地法律,不动产适用不动产所在地法律。

    Article 36 For inheritance by a Chinese citizen of an estate outside the People 's Republic of China or of an estate of a foreigner within the People 's Republic of China , the law of the place of domicile of the decedent shall apply in the case of movable property ;

  9. 第六十九条中国境外个人符合国家规定的条件并办理有关手续后,可以进入中国境内学校及其他教育机构学习、研究、进行学术交流或者任教,其合法权益受国家保护。

    Article 69 Individuals outside the territory of China , who meet the requirements of the State and complete the relevant formalities , may enter China to study , do research , engage in academic exchange or teach in schools or other institutions of education . Their lawful rights and interests shall be protected by the State .

  10. 舟山市出国劳务渔民境外感染HIV的因素分析

    Analysis of risk factors of HIV infection caught abroad in Zhoushan labour exporting fishermen

  11. 这项举措还有可能影响到参与票据(participatorynotes)。参与票据是境外基金在印度投资时使用的一种衍生金融工具。

    The move also could affect participatory notes , derivatives that foreign funds use to invest in India .

  12. wTO框架下的有关规则对一国如何保护境外证券投资者作了一些原则性规定,这些规定主要体现在确保公平、透明的国内法律环境方面。

    The WTO rules on how to protect foreign securities investors provide some principles . And these are embodied in ensuring fair and transparent legal environment of domestic .

  13. 境外人民币NDF和境内人民币掉期之间关系的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on Relationship between Offshore NDF and RMB Swap

  14. 再次,推进ETF在我国及境外不同市场之间的交叉挂牌交易。

    Again , to advance ETF cross-listed trading among the Chinese and different oversea markets .

  15. QFII制度的境外经验

    Oversea Experience Of QFII System

  16. 其中最知名的就是所谓的合格境外机构投资者(qfii)配额制度。

    The most well-known of these is the so-called QFII ( qualified foreign institutional investors ) quota system .

  17. 目前,外国投资者只有在现有的合格境外机构投资者(qfii)方案下,才能在中国投资于本币股票和债券。

    At present , foreign investors can invest only in local currency stocks and bonds in China under the existing qualified foreign institutional investor programme .

  18. 随着中国加入WTO,各国问交流加强,来沪求学的境外学生人数不断增加,相应地各类国际学校和国际部也应运而生。

    With China joining in WTO and the strengthened communication between countries , the number of overseas students choosing to study in Shanghai is constantly increased , therefore different types of international schools and international divisions have been springing up accordingly .

  19. 另外,外国或(境外地区)投资者还可采用出让权益(特许权)、提供贷款、提供投资基金、设立BOT项目等方式进行投资。

    In the meanwhile , the investors home and abroad may also invest by means of remising rights and interests , offering loan , offering investment funds and setting up BOT project .

  20. 此外,在去年曾聘用MBA毕业生的雇主中,47%的雇主告诉GMAC,他们不会考虑聘用在美国境外出生的毕业生。

    Moreover , 47 per cent of those who did hire MBA graduates last year told GMAC they would not consider employing graduates born outside the US .

  21. 直接投资需要在人民币合格境外机构投资者(RQFII)机制下获得批准,目前获批的机构数量有限。

    Direct investments require approvals under the Renminbi Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors scheme , which are limited .

  22. 经济增长、企业改革、QFII(合格境外投资者)制度等,将对中国企业债券市场发展产生实质性影响。

    It should be realized that the development of economy , the reforms of enterprises and QFII are all factors that can affect the development of enterprise bond market .

  23. 本文对中国企业的境外筹资环境进行了分析,比较了各类ADR方式的特点,提出企业应根据ADR方式的特点、自身的发展以及外部环境,选择合适的境外上市方式筹资。

    Through the analysis and comparison to the characteristics of ADR , this paper holds that enterprises should choose suitable types of overseas financing instruments according to the features of ADR , their development and environments .

  24. 随着合格境外机构投资者制度(QFII)的推出,我国正在逐步放松对资本项目的管制,加大资本项目开放的力度。

    Along with putting the Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors ( QFII ) into practice , China is relaxing the control toward capital items and having the enlargement of capital items ' opening .

  25. 中国加入WTO后,境外金融机构进入国内资本市场,它们凭借雄厚的实力、丰富的金融市场经验和成熟的创新产品,占领内地银行业及金融市场,对国内银行业构成强大的竞争压力。

    After China joins WTO , the external financial institution enters the domestic capital market , they rely on rich strength , abundant financial market experience and ripe innovative products , capture the inland banking and financial market , form the strong competition pressure to the domestic banking .

  26. 韩国央行已经向北京方面提出申请,希望获得中国合格境外机构投资者(QFII)计划的配额。该计划允许海外集团购买中国内地的股票和债券。

    The bank has applied to Beijing for a quota under the qualified foreign institutional investor ( QFII ) programme , which allows overseas groups to buy equities and bonds on the mainland .

  27. 为了控制外来资本对本国经济的冲击,合格境外机构投资者(QFⅡ)也进入了各国的视野。

    In order to control the impact of foreign capital on the domestic economy , Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors ( QFII ) has entered the vision of the countries .

  28. 对许多发展中国家证券市场开放历史的研究,可以看出新兴国家证券市场开放都采用了渐进的模式。其中比较典型的就是合格境外机构投资者(QFII)制度。

    In the research of history of many developing countries , we can see that the emerging countries have adopted a gradual opening up model , which typical is the Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors ( QFII ) system .

  29. 我国自2002年底引入QFII制度以来,已有4年时间,有50多家境外机构投资者获得了QFII资格,获批额度近百亿美元。

    It has been 4 years since QFII system was first introduced to China in the year 2002.At present , more than 50 foreign institutional investors have obtained the QFII qualification , and the investing limit is near billion US dollars .

  30. 这是因为该制度首次允许境外投资者在一个总额度下买入中国证券,而无需得到主管部门的个别批准,就像现行的合格境外机构投资者(QFII)制度那样。

    This is because it allows investors for the first time to buy Chinese securities under a general quota and without having to be approved individually by the authorities , as under the current qualified foreign institutional investor ( QFII ) scheme .