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yùn fèi
  • freight;carriage;transportation expenses;fare
运费 [yùn fèi]
  • [transportation expenses;freight] 支付货运或全部或部分使用船只、火车、飞机或其他类似运输手段的费用

运费[yùn fèi]
  1. 我只得送缴当时的京城,运费姑且不计。持有或运送黄金,费用都比较大。

    I would send them to the capital city , disregarding the transportation expenses . Gold is more expensive to hold or to ship .

  2. 因产品确属质量问题,允许以货换货,运费甲方承担。

    Because of the true category quality question of product , permitting to exchange goods with goods , side A undertakes the transportation expenses .

  3. 运费是多少?

    How much is haulage ?

  4. 成本中包括运费。

    The cost includes transit .

  5. 美国本土订单已含运费。

    Shipping is included on orders sent within the continental U.S.

  6. 连运费在内,每升花费10.86英镑。

    It costs £ 10.86 for one litre including carriage

  7. 共39.95美元,外加3美元运费。

    It is $ 39.95 plus $ 3 shipping .

  8. 假如你的行李过重了,你得付额外的运费。

    If your luggage is overweight , you 'll have to pay extra .

  9. 运费包括在账内。

    The freight is included in the account .

  10. 这些精密仪器的运费很贵。

    The carriage on these precision instruments is high .

  11. 汇款前请为您的付款详细运费发票等。

    Please wait for invoice detailing shipping costs before remitting your payment .

  12. 草案规定,消费者网购商品七天之内可以无理由退货,但是要承担退货运费。

    The draft lays out that customers can refund products purchased online within seven days .

  13. 送货公告:此商品必须与其他物品分开包装,不会另收运费。

    Shipping Advisory2 : This item must be shipped separately from other items in your order . Additional shipping charges will not apply .

  14. 埃森哲咨询公司的研究揭示了消费者这么做的原因:去实体店前,(人们)会先了解某产品是否有货。人们可以体验一下产品,既避免了运费,又可以在实体店得到网上产品的最优价格。

    The Accenture study explains the reasons customers webroom : to know if a product is in stock costs , and to ask stores to match the best online price .

  15. 3.Destinationcharge发运费A:我们付多少发运费?

    A : How much do we pay for destination charge ?

  16. 根据p?中位问题的建模思路,依据航班时刻和货运量,分别建立了最少配送次数、最短配送时间和运费有折扣情况下的最低运输成本的优化模型,并对模型进行求解。

    Three models were built to solve the problem . The targets of the models were minimum delivery time , least delivery times and minimum transportation cost under the condition of freight discount .

  17. 但是,在波罗的海干散货指数(balticdryindex)平均逾7000点以上达成的合约,在运费大跌后就显得很不明智了。

    But contracts struck when the Baltic Dry Index averaged over 7000 points looked a lot less clever after freight rates plunged , and the BDI touched 663 in early December .

  18. 远期运费协议(FFA)是其中交易范围最广、交易数量最大的航运衍生品。

    Forward Freight Agreements ( FFA ) is the most widely used , the largest number of transactions of the shipping derivatives .

  19. 所以在上一步的研究基础上,又对油轮运费率和上市公司股票价格进行了Granger因果关系检验。

    On the basis of previous studies , then the paper does the Granger causality test of tanker rate and the listed tanker companies ' stock price .

  20. 二十一世纪以来在干散货航运市场运费率研究中包含FFA也渐渐成为趋势,论述了这种趋势与主要成果。

    It has been a trend to include FFA in the dry bulk shipping model in the new century , and this trend and main productions are stated .

  21. 大豆加工和农业贸易商邦吉(bunge)表示,本国货币汇率提高加上运费较低,削弱了农产品涨价给很多亚洲消费者带来的影响。

    Bunge , the soyabean processor and agricultural trading house , has said stronger currencies and low freight rates had blunted the impact of higher commodities prices for many Asian consumers .

  22. 作为波动较大、相对新生的运费期货市场上一名熟练的玩家,su还使自己的公司tmt成为一家油轮及干散货船的主要运营商。

    An adroit player of the volatile , relatively new paper market in freight futures , Mr Su has also turned TMT , his company , into a leading operator of real tankers and dry bulk ships .

  23. 同时,FFA的远期运费市场与干散货即期运输市场之间由于其自身的依存性,二者的运费价格总存在某种相关的内在联系,通过研究FFA可以预测实体市场的价格。

    Meanwhile , because of inter-dependence between future freight transport market of FFA and the spot markets of dry bulk , the two prices have internal relations , we can predict the price of spot market through the study of FFA .

  24. 然后根据前文分析,并结合样本数据的特征,选用BDTI运费指数和两家航运上市公司的股票价格的时间序列作为研究变量。

    According to the preceding analysis , combining with the characteristics of the sample data , the BDTI and two listed tanker companies ' stock price are chosen as variable .

  25. 并通过典型案例论证了船东及货主都能利用BIFFEX的期货交易,或锁定运费收入,或锁定运费支出,从而达到规避运价风险的目的。

    Reasoning from some typical cases that ship owner and consignor can both make use of BIFFEX 'S optional exchanges ; either lock the earnings or the payout of freight , moreover achieve the aim of eluding the freight risk .

  26. 运输公司运费管理系统的研究与开发

    Research and development on freight management system of the transport company

  27. 使用硬纸箱包装这批衬衣可以节省运费。

    Such shirts packed in cardboard cartons can SAE freight cost .

  28. 中国《海商法》下承运人对托运人的运费追偿权

    On the Carrier 's Right of Claiming Freight from the Shipper

  29. 我知道免运费对客户很重要。

    I get that free shipping is important to the customer .

  30. 国际运费一律由买家支付。

    The cost of overseas freight are defrayed by the purchasers .