
  • 网络Sports Association;gaa;National Collegiate Athletic Association;NASPE;NJCAA
  1. 成立于1884年的“盖尔人运动协会”其初衷是发展爱尔兰传统的文化与运动。

    Formed in1884 , the GAA was designed to promote traditional Irish culture and sports .

  2. 为了保持它的目标相一致,“盖尔人运动协会”努力发展爱尔兰的运动与文化传统。

    In keeping with its mission , the GAA promotes a range of Irish sports and cultural traditions .

  3. 美国徒步运动协会主席格雷戈瑞米勒称,

    Gregory A. Miller3 , president of the American Hiking Society , says ,

  4. 英国啦啦队运动协会(britishcheerleadingassociation)会长鲍勃基拉尔菲(bobkiralfy)表示,啦啦队运动结合了体操、舞蹈和时装秀的多种元素,“其中很多内容超越了所有国家和文化的界限”。

    Combining elements from gymnastics , dancing and fashion shows , " there are a lot of things in cheerleading that transcend all national and cultural boundaries " , says Bob kiralfy , chairman of the British Cheerleading Association .

  5. 迭戈的家庭儿科医生、美国运动协会(AmericanCouncilonExercise)(这是一家提供健身认证和训练的非盈利机构)医疗保健解决方案负责人纳塔莉・穆特(NatalieMuth)称,久坐会让人感觉更加疲惫。

    Sitting for a long stretch of time can make people feel more tired , says Natalie Muth , a San Diego primary-care pediatrician and health-care solutions director at the American Council on Exercise , a nonprofit that provides fitness certification and training .

  6. 一个印第安那家庭向当地州政府和运动协会扔了一个混合球,14岁的女孩LogenYang希望在没有任何先决条件的情况下加入男子棒球队,遭到州政府的拒绝,这个女孩的父母提起法律诉讼。

    Baseball lawsuit Young girl sues to play on boys ' team An Indiana team 's family is throwing the state and Athletic Association a coed ball , 14-year-old Logen Yang wants to try out for the boys ' baseball team without any preconditions , a state rule says she can 't , so her parents filed a lawsuit .

  7. 第一条本会定名为江西省龙狮运动协会。

    Jiang Xi Province dragon and Lion Dance Sports association .

  8. 这里是由中国帆船帆板运动协会开具的保险证明。

    Here is the insurance certificate from Chinese Yachting Association .

  9. 温州市体育单项运动协会的发展总体上是好的。

    The sport federation of Wenzhou in general is good .

  10. 还有其他运动协会,到处进行的其他比赛和竞赛。

    Other leagues carry on , everywhere , other games , other races .

  11. 我国单项运动协会依托项目管理中心发挥实体作用的研究

    Study on National Sport Association as Real Entities Under National Sport Management Centers

  12. 以单项运动协会促进课外体育俱乐部发展的研究

    Promotes the Ex-curricular Sports Club Development Research by the Single Item Movement Association

  13. 自行车运动协会的主要领导们。

    Cycling of the main leaders of the Association .

  14. 单项运动协会实体化刍议

    Entity process of single sports association

  15. 但这些事情在盖尔人运动协会就行不通。

    But that 's not how things work in the Gaelic Athletic Association ( GAA ) .

  16. 肯尼亚运动协会说他们的预算是一百五十万美元。

    The Kenyan Athletic Association says its budget is about one million , five hundred thousand dollars .

  17. 中国无线电运动协会

    Chinese Radio Sports Association

  18. 中国摩托车运动协会

    Chinese Motor Sports Association

  19. 东帝汶参加过许多运动协会,包括国际奥林匹克委员会(国际奥委会)。

    Timor Leste has joined many international sport associations , including the International Olympic Committee ( IOC ) .

  20. 据《财富》杂志报道,他在大学期间获得了22胜8负1平的成绩,并取得两届全美大学校际体育运动协会(NAIA)地区冠军。

    There , he earned a 22-8-1 record and claimed two NAIA District Championships , according to Fortune .

  21. 现在,全国高校运动协会来到学校要求看该运动员的学习成绩达标的证明。

    Now , the NCAA goes to the college and asks for proof of this player 's academic eligibility .

  22. 中国乒乓球协会是中华全国体育总会的团体会员,是中国奥林匹克委员会承认的全国性运动协会。

    It is also the permanent official organ for the Table Tennis and Badminton Administrative Centre of General Administration of Sport of China .

  23. 该校运动协会的黄志强披露,该活动旨在鼓励肥胖学生达到更为健康的体重。

    Huang Zhiqiang from the university 's athletic association disclosed that the activity was intended to encourage obese students to reach healthier weights .

  24. 指出单项运动协会与成员间的关系为:服务关系、利益代表关系、体育管理关系。

    It pointed out that the relationships between a single sports association and its members are ones of service , interests presentation and sports management .

  25. 美国运动协会主任杰西卡•马修斯称,研究发现,早晨锻炼的人会睡得更好。

    Studies show that people who exercise in the morning sleep better , says Jessica Matthews , a director for the American Council on Exercise .

  26. 最近,由美国运动协会负责的一项研究表明,你做各种各样运动的顺序对你的身体和心理有很重要的影响。

    A recent study commissioned by the American Council on Exercise suggests that the order in which you do various exercises matters to your body and mind .

  27. 2013年,美国运动协会在美国维斯康星大学展开的一项调查显示,以正确的方式练习高温瑜伽对身体并无坏处。

    A 2013 study conducted by the American Council on Exercise at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse reveals that performing hot yoga is not harmful if done properly .

  28. 深圳登山户外运动协会秘书长曹峻十分赞同李梦凡的看法,他表示,保持理性也是制定实际目标的前提。

    Cao Jun , secretary general of Shenzhen Mountaineering & Outdoor Sport Association , agrees with Li and says that being rational is also about setting practical goals .

  29. 进一步向市场和社会下放权力,扩大运动项目协会的自主权,使协会成为独立的社团法人;

    Expand the autonomy of item association and made them be juridical association ;

  30. 打猎者将打猎当运动的协会。打猎中的跟随着一群猎狗的全体骑马猎人。

    An association of huntsmen who hunt for sport . The body of riders following a pack of hounds in hunting .