
  • 网络operating system;operation system
  1. 在不到半年的时间内建立了从上到下、较为成熟的TD-SCDMA市场运营体系。

    In less than six months from top to bottom within the established , more mature operating system , TD-SCDMA market .

  2. 唐山市国有资本运营体系构建

    The construction of operating system of state-owned capital in Tangshan city

  3. 电信ICT转型业务运营体系的研究

    Research on Framework of ICT Services Operation for Telecommunication Transformation

  4. 精益生产方式起源于日本丰田生产系统(ToyotaProductionSystem,TPS),是从思维和方法上彻底颠覆传统大批量生产方式的复杂生产运营体系。

    Lean production , originated from Japan Toyota Production System , is a complex production operation system completely different from the traditional way of mass production from minds to method .

  5. 但是由于两家公司都并不是非常大的公司,而且整合进来的产品线和P公司准备在中国建立的产品线也没有太多类似处,所以在整合两家公司的运营体系碰到了非常大的挑战。

    However , both of these 2 companies are not big company , and there is too much similar between integrated product line and the product line P company will set up in China , so they face challenge on how to integrate 2 companies operation system .

  6. 全面主持公司运营体系的整体管理工作。

    Presided over the full operating system 's overall management .

  7. 面向集团客户信息化服务的移动运营体系分析

    Analyze About Operations Frame of Mobile Operators for Corporate Customers

  8. 使啦啦队商业化运营体系更加的规范化、制度化。

    Make the commercial operation system more standardized and institutionalized in cheerleaders .

  9. 烟草企业运营体系业务流程重组的研究

    The Development and Business Process Reengineering of Tobacco Enterprise

  10. 我国体育产业资本运营体系的探析

    Discussion on Sports Industry Capital Operation System in China

  11. 其凝聚力在于其运营体系中的后台流程。

    What held it together was the background processes within the operating systems .

  12. 答案是显而易见的:麦当劳拥有一套出色的运营体系。

    The answer is obvious : McDonald 's is excellent at business systems .

  13. 国有资产运营体系研究

    On the capital operation system of state-owned assets

  14. 轨道交通运营体系中车务人员标准配置研究

    On Standardized Allocation of Rail Transit Operational Staff

  15. 我公司已建立起科学的采购、生产、营销、运营体系。

    Our company has established a scientific purchasing , production , marketing , operating system .

  16. 网络电视运营体系的研究

    Study on operational system of IPTV

  17. 在渠道策略上要优化现有渠道管理模式,建立一体化的渠道运营体系。

    In the channel strategy to optimize the existing channel management , channel integration to establish operating system .

  18. 专业、高效的后台运营体系直接影响着整个酒店的运作效率。

    A professional and high efficient background operation system has an influence of the overall hotel operational efficiency .

  19. 作为整个运营体系中重要一环的投资规划管理工作,也就面临着新的要求和挑战。

    As an important aspect of the whole operation system , investment planning management faces new demands and challenges .

  20. 自动售检票系统作为地铁运营体系的核心部分,其信息的安全性需要得到充分保证。

    As a core in metro operation system , the information security in AFC system needs to be assured adequately .

  21. 这是因为,银行的各种繁杂的交易要通过运营体系来完成,客户获得的服务也要通过运营体系来完成。

    This is because that all sorts of multifarious deal and services of the customer cannot be completed without the operation system .

  22. 操作实施的关键在于区域旅游运营体系的设计和市场化运作主体的构建。

    The key of implementation is the design of the operation pattern and the construction of the principle part of the market operation .

  23. 面对这些不利因素,华谊通过定位大传媒和工业化运营体系的制度创新来主动布局。

    Facing these unfavorable factors , Huayi creates the new institution by positioning the " Big Media " and creating the industrial operation system .

  24. 渠道,是整个通信运营体系中,客户接触最为重要的界面之一。

    As a mobile operator , Channel is one of the most important respects in customer contact in the whole operation system of telecommunications industry .

  25. 政策性银行法律制度作为国家间接调整经济的重要手段,在政策性银行的运营体系中本应保驾护航。

    The legal system of policy-banks is considered an indirect mean of economic adjustment , so the operation of the system should be talking about it .

  26. 最后,指出成熟的运营体系和度身定做的网络视频系统是促进这种商业运作发展的关键。

    At last , it point out that the mature management system and appropriate video system are the key problems of this kind of business operation .

  27. 许多才华横溢的人之所以贫穷的原因,就是因为他们只是专心于做更好的汉堡包,而对运营体系几乎一无所知。

    The reason so many talented people are poor is because they focus on building a better hamburger and know little or nothing about business systems .

  28. 在产品策略方面,漫画、动画、衍生品三个环节相互依存、互为拉动,形成了完整、成熟的运营体系。

    In product strategies , comics , animation and derivatives are not only interdependent but mutually enhancing to form a set of complete , mature operating system .

  29. 全面创新,提高企业核心竞争力,以用户价值为依归,建立面向用户需求的快速高效、灵活多变的开发体系和运营体系,已经成为互联网企业当前所关心的重要课题。

    Making innovation to enhance competitiveness and establishing the efficient and flexible development system based on user values has became the most important issue for these enterprises .

  30. 科学管理和合理开发这些内部和外部信息资源已经成为企业正确决策、增强竞争力的关键。由于已经拥有大量的数据并且数据相对真实可靠,因此物流业务是建立基于分析的企业管理运营体系完全可行。

    Scientific management and reasonable development of these internal and external information resources has become to be the key of right strategy and competition enhancement in the enterprise .