
  • 网络Excessive exercise;hyperkinesis;hyperkinesia;hypermobility
  1. 经常是由于运动过度,时间过长&特别是一个人长时间没运动之后。

    This usually happens from exercising too hard or for too long - particularly if a person has been inactive for some time .

  2. 绝大多数的跑步损伤是由于运动过度、训练过度、跑鞋不合脚,或者身体结构和运动的生物力学不足造成的。

    Most common running injuries are due to overuse , overtraining , improper shoes , or a biomechanical flaw in body structure and motion .

  3. 不常活动的人,突然劳动或运动过度,会出现肌肉酸痛的现象。

    If you don 't do exercise very often , it is not wise to suddenly exercise or over do it because it can lead to muscle aches .

  4. 为了减少伤害风险,在跑步时,您一定要保证使用优质跑鞋,没有任何运动过度迹象。

    To help cut down on the risk of injuries , make sure that you are running in good running shoes and don 't have any signs of over-training .

  5. 不管你是迷失在网络空间、过度消费、或者看电视时间太久、八卦、咬指甲、成天做白日梦、总是拖延或运动过度,你都很有可能是染上了“软瘾”。

    Whether you get lost in cyberspace , over shop , watch too much TV , gossip , bite your nails , daydream excessively , procrastinate or over-exercise , you may be caught in a " soft addiction . "

  6. 出生在80后的千禧男士尤其容易遭遇此类问题,从而导致抑郁、自卑、运动过度、滥用类固醇等增肌药物以及饮食不规律等状况的发生。

    Millennial men , those born after 1980 , are particularly at risk of such problems , which can lead to depression , low self-esteem , excessive exercising , misuse of body-enhancing drugs such as steroids , and eating disorders .

  7. 有很多人都考虑在2016年参加马拉松比赛或其他长时间的耐力活动,然而,这样的雄心会不会造成运动过度?如此艰苦的锻炼会不会损伤我们的心脏?我们的配偶、其他家庭成员、当然还有我们自己不由产生了担忧。

    With many of us contemplating marathons or other prolonged endurance events in 2016 , we , our spouses and other family members most likely have wondered whether such strenuous training could be harmful to our hearts . Could any of us , in making ambitious resolutions , exercise too much ?

  8. 而力竭运动和过度训练可引起心肌细胞中Bcl-2mRNA表达下降、调控基因Bax、p53mRNA表达显著升高以及凋亡调控基因Bcl-2/Bax比值显著下降,可促进心肌细胞凋亡。

    The expression of apoptotic gene Bcl-2 mRNA has decreased , while expression of apoptotic gene Bax and p53 mRNA have increased . The ratio of Bcl-2 / Bax has decreased significantly after overtraining and exhaustive exercise .

  9. 其中之一是环保主义运动对于过度消费的反对。

    One is the environmentalist movement 's objection to excessive consumption .

  10. 长期反复的过度腰部运动及过度负荷,很容易引发腰肌劳损。

    Repeatedly exercises and over-load working of waist can easily lead to the strain .

  11. 减少的风险,手外伤所造成的重复运动和过度压力。

    Reduce the risk of hand injury caused by repetitive movement and excessive strain .

  12. 与此情况相反,如果犬只肩部紧窄,它造成前足在运动中过度分开,以一种摇晃的步态去行进。

    When , on the contrary , the dog is tied at the shoulder , the tendency of the feet is to move wider apart , with a sort of paddling action .

  13. 润滑油可使运动零件免于过度磨损。

    The oil keeps moving parts from wearing excessively .

  14. 其特征为无力,这种无力起因于运动终极的过度去极化。

    The condition is characterized by weakness resulting from excessive depolarization of the motor end-plate .

  15. 而一次性力竭运动或长期过度训练则能导致机体水平的下降,在不同程度上损害机体正常功能发挥。

    Conversely one-off exhausting or long-term excessive activities will make human organisms decline and further impair their physiological capacity .

  16. 因为歌中的这个人物对艾米纳姆太痴迷,所以他的名字就被人们用来形容那些对名人或运动明星等过度病态痴迷的粉丝,即“铁杆粉丝”或者“狂热粉丝”。

    Because the character was so obsessive the name can be used to describe an overzealous maniacal fan for any celebrity or athlete .

  17. 年轻的成年犬进行过量运动(除了过度喂食)是引起髋关节疾病和其它骨骼问题的重要原因。

    Over exercising a young adult is one of the leading causes ( along with over feeding ) of hip dysplasia and other skeletal failures .

  18. 目的:已有研究表明剧烈运动或长期过度训练会引起免疫功能的暂时性下降,而营养是维持健康的重要因素。

    OBJECTIVE : Researches have proved that violent exercise or long-term overtraining can result in the temporary descent of immunological function , while nutrition is the main factor for the maintenance of health .

  19. 基于正反两方面的考虑,我们探讨了韩国新村运动和拉美过度城市化的过程,总结了成功的经验,思考了失败的原因和教训。

    Based on the positive and negative aspects , we examined the process of both the new village campaign in South Korean and over-urbanization in Latin America , thus summing up the successful experience and analyzing the reasons of the failure .

  20. 运动时不要用力过度。

    Don 't overexert yourself when exercising !

  21. 要根据个人体质妥善控制运动量,避免过度疲劳;

    The tension and quantity of sports should be well measured in order not to be over-tired .

  22. 在有微风及温度极低时,应同时进行体育热身运动,避免体温过度降低。

    In a breeze and the temperature very low , they should at the same time physical warm-up exercise , avoid excessive lowering body temperature .

  23. 阐述了足球运动员机能评定的基本生理生化指标,以及足球科研工作者和教练员能够根据运动员的身体机能状况,科学地调整运动员的竞技状态,合理安排运动负荷,预防过度训练和运动损伤。

    It elaborates main physiological and biochemical quota of functional diagnosis of elite football players so that scientific research personnel and coach can adjust scientifically the contest states , and arrange proper capacity of the training , and prevent excessive training and sports injuries according to functional states .

  24. 如果运动使中枢NO过量则会产生神经毒性,形成运动性疲劳和过度训练的可能机制。

    If NO in CNS is produced excessively during movement , it will bring forth neurotoxicity and form a possible mechanism of motor fatigue and overtraining .

  25. 结论髓鞘内甘丙肽可能通过减低运动神经兴奋性而产生抑制屈肌运动效应,从而有利防止骨骼肌运动过度。

    Conclusion The inhibitory effect of intrathecal galanin on flexor contractions is probably due to reduction in the excitability of motoneuron and might prevent muscles from over-movement .