
pái qiú yùn dònɡ
  • volleyball
  1. 浅析气排球运动的锻炼审美价值

    Analysis on the Training Value of Balloon Volleyball

  2. 漳州市气排球运动开展现状的调查分析

    The Survey and Analysis of Carrying out the Gas Volleyball of Current Status in Zhangzhou City

  3. 排球运动,英文名VolleyBall,即空中飞球,从排球运动的命名来看,它是一项以保证球不落地为前提的运动。

    Volleyball sport , English names Volley Ball , namely " fly to the game in the sky ", According to name of the volleyball movement , it is a sport taking guaranteeing that the ball does not fall as prerequisite .

  4. 在访问学校的过程中,凯特王妃还加入了学生的歌舞“Head,FeetandToes”。威廉王子也兴致勃勃地参与了一种当地的快速略带进攻性的排球运动,此外威廉还用一把大砍刀切开了一个大椰子。

    During a tour of a school , Duchess Kate also joined in with a song-and-dance routine of " Head , Feet and Toes . " William also tried out a local sport , a fast , aggressive version of volleyball - and he also chopped open a coconut with a machete !

  5. 现代竞技排球运动教练员应具备的素质与能力

    On the Essential Accomplishments and Abilities of Modern Athletic Volleyball Coach

  6. 渐进式体验对排球运动接受的影响;

    How Gradual Experience influences the acceptance of the volleyball sport ;

  7. 老年气排球运动的健身价值

    The Training Value About the Gas Volleyball Exercise for the Aged

  8. 论排球运动战术意识与培养

    A Study of Strategical Awareness and Its Development in Volleyball Games

  9. 刍议柔韧素质对排球运动的影响

    On the Influence of Pliable and Tough Quality on Volleyball Sports

  10. 浅析排球运动技能教学的信息反馈

    Elementary Analysis of the Information Feedback in Volleyball Skill Teaching

  11. 世界女子竞技排球运动优势转移规律研究

    Study on Transfer Rules of Advantage in World Women 's Volleyball Sports

  12. 广东台山排球运动发展现状与因素分析

    Situation and Factorial Analysis of the Development in Taishan , Guangdong volleyball

  13. 我国排球运动职业化进程中的运动文化特征与分析

    The Analysis On Sport Cultural Characteristics In Vocational Process Of Volleyball Sport

  14. 浅谈每球得分制对排球运动的影响

    Elementary Introduction to the Influence of Each Ball Score to Volleyball Sports

  15. 亚洲排球运动水平现状分析

    Analysis on the Current Situation of the Playing Level of Asian Volleyball

  16. 正面扣球技术是排球运动中较复杂的技术动作。

    Frontal spike technique is a relatively complex technique in volleyball games .

  17. 排球运动损伤及预防的调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Injury and Prevention in Volleyball Sports

  18. 新形势下影响排球运动队士气因素探讨与对策

    Factors affecting morale of volleyball team and corresponding counter-measures under present situation

  19. 排球运动中的供能特点与营养补充

    The Characteristic of Energy Metabolism in Volleyball Sport and Nutrition

  20. 微格教学在排球运动技能教学中的应用研究

    Study on Microteaching Method Using in the Volleyball Skill Teaching

  21. 排球运动技战术发展动因的分析

    On the Development Dynamics of Volleyball Campaign Technology and Tactics

  22. 我国竞技排球运动二线队伍动态变化研究

    Study on Dynamic Change of Second-front Volleyball Teams in China

  23. 竞技排球运动美学特征及其审美价值研究

    The Research on Aesthetic Characteristic and Value of Volleyball Sports

  24. 观众用于排球运动相关消费的金额主要集中在50元以下。

    Most audience spend 50 yuan or less on volleyball-sports .

  25. 排球运动有什么要球吗?排球是奥运会项目吗?

    Does volleyball require something ? Is volleyball included in the Olympics ?

  26. 我国排球运动科研现状调查与分析

    Investigation and analysis of current situation of science research on Chinese volleyball

  27. ⑨加强社会气排球运动与学校的连接。

    ⑨ Strengthen connections between mass gas volleyball with school .

  28. 略论沙滩排球运动及在我国的发展

    A Discussion on Sandbeach Volleyball and its Development in China

  29. 现阶段排球运动主要制胜因素内涵及有序组合研究

    On the Connotation and Orderly Combination of Subduing Factors in Present Volleyball

  30. 排球运动时间特征与供能特点研究

    The Study of the Charateristics of Volleyball Sports Time and Its Energy Supply