
  • 网络Difficulty in defecation;Dyschezia;infantdyschezia;OOC
  1. 直肠黑色素瘤以便血、肛门疼痛和排便困难为主要症状;

    The patients with rectal melanoma presented with hematochezia , anorectal pain and dyschezia .

  2. 便秘(constipation)系指各种原因引起的排便困难、排便次数减少、或排便不尽感。

    Constipation refers to various causes bowel difficulties , lower number of bowel movements , or sense of defecation is not .

  3. 结果:76例全子宫切除病人42.1%出现不同程度排便困难,A组52.62%,B组为10%,两组具有显著性差异(P<0.05)。

    Results : There was 42.1 % of cases suffering difficult defecation among 76 patients , there was 52.6 % in group A and 10 % in group B.The difference between group A and B was significant ( P < 0.05 ) .

  4. 小麦纤维素治疗痔术后排便困难的临床研究

    Wheat cellulose defecation difficulties after treatment of hemorrhoids of clinical research

  5. 护理干预在悬浮床患者排便困难中的效果观察

    Effect of nursing intervention in solving the patients ' difficult defecation with suspension bed treatment

  6. 方法选择慢传输型便秘患者15例,均为排便困难、泻剂依赖,依据结肠传输试验所测得的结果,行结肠大部切除术,术后随访患者排便情况。

    Method 15 laxative-dependent chronic slow-transit constipation patients underwent subtotal colectomy according to the Balloon-expelling testing .

  7. 其实这只是针对便秘相当严重,而且排便困难的人才使用的。

    In fact , this is only for constipation is quite serious and difficult defecation talents to use .

  8. 4例术后肛门狭窄、排便困难,经强力扩肛半年治愈,无明显肛门失禁病例。

    Cases had sequela of anal stenosis and difficult defecation and all were healed by forced anal dilation through half-a-year .

  9. 结论排粪造影是诊断排便困难原因的重要方法,是其它检查方法不可代替的。

    Conclusions defecography is an important method to diagnose the causes of constipation and can not be replaced by any other method .

  10. 术后未发生残留皮肤水肿、肛门狭窄、排便困难及黏膜外翻。

    The short term curative rate was100 % , and no postoperative residual skin edema , anal stricture and mucous eversion occurred .

  11. 方法:对150例有肛直肠症状,如排便困难、便秘患者用稠、稀钡两种造影剂作比较研究。

    Methods : The comparative study on defecography with thick and thin barium was conducted in 150 patients with clinical anorectal symptoms such as defecation disorders and constipation .

  12. 临床症状无特异性,常见有便血、腹痛、排便困难等。

    The common symptoms are hemafecia , abdominal pain and constipation , etc. That is nonspecific and difficult to distinguish with other tumors located in colon and rectum .

  13. 2例(3.0%)仍感排便困难,但术前需依赖手法排便,术后可自排便;

    Difficult defecation occurred in 2 ( 3.0 % ) cases but could defecate spontaneously after operation while they needed help of hands to do so before operation .

  14. 临床表现包括:腹部不适、黑便、呕吐、腹痛、腹部肿块,排便困难,多数病人以消化道出血为首发症状。

    The character of clinical pathology involve : the discomfort of bell 、 black stool 、 spew 、 bellyache 、 lump of bell , difficult defecator , the initial symptom of most patients is bleeding of alimentary canal .

  15. 症状以排便困难、排便时间延长、大便干结、腹胀多见。4、中医证型以气机郁滞、脾胃气虚型多见。

    Symptoms such as difficult defecation , prolonged defecation , dry stool , abdominal distention are commonly seen . 4 . The two syndromes of qi stagnation , qi deficiency of spleen and stomach are more frequent . 5 .

  16. 结果:两组患者各失访3例(共6例失访),治疗组在排便困难改变情况、大便性状、排便时间、排便状况方面均优于对照组(P<0.05)。

    Results : Six patients lost follow-up ( 3 cases in each group ) . The condition of difficult defecation , character of sedes , time and state of defecation in treatment group were excellent than that of control group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  17. 结果经桡动脉途径者伤口出血、术后排便困难、术后主观不适发生率显著低于经股动脉穿刺者(P<0.05);

    Results The occurrence percentage of the following events , namely hemorrhage at the puncture site , difficulty for defecation after operation , and subjective discomfort in patients through radial approach , is significantly less than that in the patients through femoral approach ( P < 0.05 ) .

  18. 他建议排便有困难的患者坐在马桶上时,在脚下垫点儿东西,因为这样有助于模拟蹲着的姿势。

    He advises patients who are having trouble with bowel movements to place something under their feet while seated on the toilet , as this helps to simulate the squatting position .

  19. 您排便时感到困难?

    Do you have difficulty with your bowel movements ?

  20. 于治疗前后观察排便次数、大便形状、排便困难程度和进行肛门直肠测压。

    The number of defecation , shape of stool , difficulty degree of defecation , and intra-rectal pressure were observed and detected .

  21. 结果:临床研究表明,试验组对排便频率、粪便的形状及排便困难程度的改善明显优于对照组,存在显著差异(p0.05)。

    Results : Clinical studies show that amelioration about of frequency of defecation , excrementitious shapes and difficult degree of defecation in the treatment group better than control group , there was significant difference ( p0.05 ) .

  22. 结肠功能紊乱包括结肠传输减慢导致的排便频率减少和由于直肠肛门过度收缩和不完全排空造成的排便困难。认识PD这些胃肠道并发症可以进行早期和更有效的干预治疗。

    Colonic dysfunction can consist of both slowed colonic transit with consequent reduced bowel-movement frequency , and difficulty with the act of defecation itself with anorectal excessive straining and incomplete emptying . Recognition of these GI complications can lead to earlier and potentially more effective therapeutic intervention .

  23. 6个月内患者排便次数4~17次,4例患者需要服用止泻剂,无储袋炎和排便困难。

    During postoperative 6 months , the average defecation frequences were 9 ( range from 4 to 17 ) , four cases needed antidiarrhea agent to decrease the frequencies and none of them had pouchitis and difficult defecation .