
  • 网络ovulation
  1. 自然周期排卵日(排卵型病例)子宫内膜特征,两组间比较,差异无显著性,P>0.05,而超排周期注射hCG日则有显著性差异,P<0.05。

    No significant difference is shown between the two groups on the patterns of endometrium on the day of ovulation in the natural cycles ( P > 0.05 ) .

  2. 结论在轮班作业女工中,排卵日附近的夜班作业可能与自然流产存在一定的关系。

    Conclusion Night shift near the day of ovulation may be related to SAB .

  3. 轮班作业女工排卵日前后的夜班次数对妊娠结局的影响

    The impact of night work near the day of ovulation on outcome of pregnancy

  4. 输入与月经周期有关的各种数据后,该手机的使用者可以通过编程的方式命令其在排卵日到来之前3天时以及排卵当天对自己做出提醒。

    By tapping in data on menstruation dates , the user can programme the phone to alert her three days before ovulation and again on the day .

  5. 排卵日及黄体中期子宫螺旋动脉各血流参数能有效预测子宫内膜容受性。

    The blood flow Parameters of uterine spiral artery can significant predict endometrial receptivity effectively both on the day of ovulation and on the day of implantation .

  6. 方法对150名年龄23~37岁、月经期规则妇女224个周期在预计排卵日前后使用B超观察。

    Methods One hundred and fifty women ( age ranged 23-37 years ) with regular menstrual cycles , were examined using B-ultrasonography before and after ovulation totally 224 cycles .

  7. 从排卵之日算起,骆驼的怀孕期平均为402.22±11.53(374&419)天。

    SUMMARY In bactrian camel the average gestation period counted from the day of ovulation is 2102,2 + 11.53 ( with a range of 374 & 419 ) days .

  8. 结论:恰当的P/E2比值可提高子宫内膜的容受性,在促排卵周期测定ET日的P/E2比值对预测妊娠成功与否有参考作用。

    Conclusion : The optimal P / E2 ratio on the day of ET can improve endometrial receptivity . It is important to monitor serum P / E2 on the day ET to predict pregnancy in COH .

  9. 方法31例女性患者,采用长周期方案促排卵,于hCG日行经阴道超声检查,检测内膜厚度、类型,计数内膜血流,估算内膜血流面积比。

    Methods 31 women undergoing controlled ovarian hyperstimulation for IVF . Transvaginal ultrasonography detecteded endometrial thickness , echo pattern , blood flow number and percent of blood flow area on the day of hCG injection .

  10. 目的:探讨超促排卵周期胚胎移植日血清孕酮/雌二醇(P/E2)比值对子宫内膜容受性的影响。

    Objective : To study the effect of serum P / E2 ratio on the day of embryo transfer in controlled ovarian hyperstimulation ( COH ) on implantation .

  11. 结果:正常月经周期、IVF周期宫颈粘液IL-1β具有相似的周期性变化规律,从卵泡期到排卵期宫颈粘液IL-1β水平逐渐增加,至排卵前1d达到高峰,排卵日下降。

    Results : There was similar periodic variational regularity in IL-1 β levels in cervical mucus during human normal menstrual cycle and IVF-ET cycle . IL-1 β levels gradually increased from follicular phase to ovulatory period , reached peak at 1 day before ovulation and decreased at ovulatory day .