
pái pào
  • battery;salvo;volley of guns
排炮 [pái pào]
  • (1) [salvo]

  • (2) 开矿、掘巷道、开山造田等工程中,许多相连的炮眼同时进行的爆破

  • (3) 很多炮同时向同一方向或目标开炮的炮火

  • (4) 排除瞎炮

排炮[pái pào]
  1. 巧用EXCEL表格实现通用射孔排炮设计高瓦斯炮放面顶板钻孔法瓦斯治理技术应用

    Universal Designing Volley of Guns for Perforation by Using EXCEL Skillfully Application of Technology of High Gas Cannon Picking Roof Perforate Gas Administer

  2. 用VC6.0实现的无电缆射孔排炮软件引射孔倾角与孔径对钻头体反循环形成影响的仿真分析与实验研究

    Ranging shaped charge software developed by VC 6.0 . The Emluator Analyse and Experiment Study on the Influence from Diverse Obliquity and Diameter Injector Hole Used in the Reverse Circulation Core Drilling Bit

  3. 中深孔排炮拉槽在缓倾斜破碎矿体中的应用分段下部掏槽崩落开采

    Application of Groove Cutting by Medium-length Hole Blasting in Gently Inclined Cracked Orebody

  4. 石油射孔精细排炮及软件

    Subtle Cannon Arrangement Software for Petroleum Perforation

  5. 数十年前,他的芝加哥球队恰如其分地称他为“排炮手乔”,用以形容他挥舞棒球棍的特点。

    Decades earlier his Chicago team had aptly called him " joe batters ", a reference to his use of a baseball bat .

  6. 射孔资料处理:实现自动曲线录入、自动平差计算、自动排炮、自动确定标箍、自动存盘等功能。

    Perforation data processing : automatic curve of input , automatic adjustment calculation , automatic Pai Pao , automatically determines the standard hoop , automatic archiving and other functions .