
pái mínɡ
  • list names by seniority/position
  • rank
  1. 这些考生的总体百分位排名占第21位。就是说,79%的应试儿童比他们考得好。

    Overall these students rank in the 21st percentile on the tests ─ that is , they did worse than 79 per cent of all children taking the test .

  2. Google的排名算法分析

    Analysis Of The Google Rank Algorithm

  3. 这一年结束,他们的排名比当地竞争对手超前六个名次。

    They finished the year six places above their local rivals .

  4. 赛季结束时他们在联赛中排名榜首。

    They finished the season at the head of their league .

  5. 她目前排名世界第二。

    She is currently rated number two in the world .

  6. 他去年在他的年龄段排名第二。

    Last year , he was ranked second in his age group .

  7. 经过五场比赛后,德国队排名第二。

    After five games the German team are lying second .

  8. 本赛季他将自己的排名从第67位提高到了第30位。

    He has improved his ranking this season from 67th to 30th .

  9. 联队3:0的胜利使他们排名升至第三。

    United 's 3 – 0 win moved them up to third position .

  10. 两场比赛之后意大利队排名榜首。

    Italy heads the table after two games .

  11. 在今天的资格赛中,他必须排名靠前才能进入决赛。

    He needs a high placing in today 's qualifier to reach the final .

  12. 26岁时,他处于巅峰状态,排名世界第四。

    At 26 , he is at the height of his powers and ranked fourth in the world .

  13. 他很快就会成为排名世界前十位的选手。

    He is well on the way to establishing himself among the top ten players in the world .

  14. 美国在婴儿死亡率方面排名第20。

    The United States ranks 20th in its infant mortality rate .

  15. 阿加西的比赛表现大大超出了他在世界上第12位的排名。

    Agassi was playing well above his world ranking of 12 .

  16. 排名第二的欧塞尔队出人意料地在主场以0比2败给了南特队。

    Second-placed Auxerre suffered a surprising 2-0 home defeat to Nantes .

  17. 英格兰将只好接受第三或第四的排名。

    England will have to settle for third or fourth place .

  18. 康纳斯连续159周排名世界第一。

    Connors reigned as the world No. 1 for 159 consecutive weeks

  19. 排名前四位的国家进入半决赛。

    The top four seeded nations are through to the semi-finals .

  20. 英国在联赛中的排名从第二位降到了第三位。

    Britain has dropped from second to third place in the league .

  21. 他以网坛排名第100名的身份来到这里。

    He came here rated 100th on the tennis computer .

  22. 英国在各队排名中位列第11位。

    Britain is 11th in the team standings .

  23. 沃里克队在排名中蹿升至第3名,落后领先的埃塞克斯队31分。

    Warwicks leap to third in the table , 31 points behind leaders Essex .

  24. 在欧洲联盟杯比赛中,排名前16位的球队已按位次进入首轮。

    In the UEFA Cup the top 16 sides are seeded for the first round

  25. 排名第三的巴尼特队以0–3的比分在克鲁遭遇惨败。

    Third-placed Barnet were humbled 3-0 at Crewe .

  26. 排名第二的流浪者队以5:0大胜圣约翰斯通队。

    Second-placed Rangers thrashed St Johnstone 5-nil .

  27. 戈尔纳的排名迅速上升。

    Goellner has shot up the rankings .

  28. 去年的冠军、来自美国的格雷格·莱蒙德现在排名第4。

    Last year 's winner Greg Lemond of the United States is in fourth place .

  29. 转眼之间这张单曲唱片已在美国单曲唱片排行榜上排名第90位了。

    Before you knew it , the single was at Number 90 in the US singles charts

  30. 维克拉姆·塞思的《如意郎君》在畅销书排行榜中排名第二。

    Vikram Seth 's ' A Suitable Boy ' is number two in the best-seller lists .