
  • 网络the Exclusion Act;the chinese exclusion act
  1. 此事也是美国另一端耻辱历史的重演:1882年的排华法案(AsianExclusionAct)就开启了美国歧视亚裔的历史。

    It also recapitulates a sorry United States history of discrimination against Asians , from the Asian Exclusion Act of 1882 on . Right through the repeal of the Magnuson Act in 1965 , the word " quota " has been featured .

  2. 但1882年的美国政府的排华法案阻止他再次回到美国。

    The US government 's Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 prevented him from returning to America .

  3. 国会也通过《排华法案》禁止中国移民长达10年,而后,该限制改成了永久制。

    Congress also suspended Chinese immigration for ten years with the Chinese Exclusion Act , later making the restriction permanent .

  4. 在李漪莲看来,《1882年排华法案》标志着“排外主义时代”的开始,而勇敢的移民会藏在火车车厢里,从加拿大和墨西哥进入美国;或是躲在船里,从古巴和牙买加进入美国。

    During what Lee calls an " exclusion era , " which began with the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 , intrepid emigrants would hide in rail cars crossing in from Canada and Mexico or stow away on boats from Cuba and Jamaica .