
pī dòu
  • criticize and struggle;criticize and denounce sb;criticize and denounce sb.(at a public meeting)
批斗 [pī dòu]
  • [criticize and denounce sb.(at a public meeting)] 批判和斗争

批斗[pī dòu]
  1. 批斗性思考的一部分就是区分事实和观点。

    One part of critical thinking is distinguishing between facts and opinions .

  2. 卡洛琳,批斗会还没开始之前,你不能先告诉我我要被批斗啊

    Caroline , you 're not supposed to tell me I 'm on intervention until the actual intervention .

  3. 她一定意识到自己把一个团队建设活动变成了对3个6岁孩子进行批斗的尴尬时刻。

    She must have realized that she turned a team-building event into a public roast for three six-year-olds .

  4. 人民共和国成立后,他受到了错误的批判和斗争,佛家思想对这位迟暮之年的老人发挥着精神柱石的伟大作用,使之忍受了那些无情的批斗。

    After the building of the Peoples Republic of China , he used Buddhism to endure those impersonal criticisms .

  5. 为了个人安危,为了不被批斗,不少家庭逼不得已把宝贵的宗谱家谱毁灭。

    Fearful of persecution , numerous families , perforce , had to destroy their cherished family genealogical records for safety reasons .

  6. 参加批斗的小学生们不懂事,看到他很象大坏蛋的样子,都往他脸上吐唾沫。

    The students in primary school weren 't sensible , they saw him like a bad egg , all spit sputum on his face .

  7. 假如要写回忆的话,当时在运动里受冤枉、挨批斗的同志们也许会来一篇《记屈》或《记愤》。

    If asked to write a memo , those unjustly wronged and persecuted might write The Story of Mortification or The Story of Indignation .

  8. 鲁冠球的修车铺经常被关闭;必要的时候,他必须出现在“批斗”会上,就其资本主义路线接受当众批判。

    At times , his repair shop was shut down . On other occasions , Mr Lu had to appear at " struggle " sessions , where he would be denounced for his capitalist tendencies .

  9. 这些被池看在眼里,忘了“老老实实改造”的训示,在大庭广众面前就吼了起来,造反派组织了“现场批斗会”,狠狠斗这条“翻天”的“牛”。

    When he saw such behavior he forgot the directive of " remoulding in real earnest ' and roared with indignation at these actors . A public meeting wits held on the spot by the rebels to severely denounce this " ox " who wanted to " overturn heaven . "