
  • 网络Share Placement
  1. 引用“热烈的媒体报道”,高盛无奈地将美国客户(还有它自己的合伙人)排除在脸谱网的私人批股之外。

    It has reluctantly excluded American clients ( and its own partners ) from the private share placement for Facebook , citing " intense media coverage " .

  2. 这批优先股股息为10%。

    The preferred stock carries a 10 percent dividend .

  3. 昨日,夏普表示将通过向鸿海发行普通股募集35亿美元,并通过向其发行一批优先股再募集9亿美元。

    Yesterday , Sharp said that it would raise $ 3.5bn by selling common shares to Hon Hai , raising a further $ 900m from a tranche of preferred shares .