
pī shì
  • written instructions or comments;memorandum
批示 [pī shì]
  • [written instructions or comments;memorandum] [上级对下级的公文] 写出书面意见,也指这种书面意见的文字

  • 等批示下来就动手

批示[pī shì]
  1. 大批示威者闯进了政府办公大楼。

    Demonstrators invaded the government buildings .

  2. 以上意见当否,请批示。

    We are awaiting your comment on the proposals set forth above .

  3. 使用matlab?编辑器建立或修改批示模式程式档案。

    To create or modify program files for batch mode use the matlab ? Editor .

  4. 我们认真执行他的批示是很重要的。

    It is important that we follow out his instructions carefully .

  5. 十一点钟,批示玩具空船的草图。

    Eleven o'clock , approve the sketches for the toy spaceship .

  6. 论对等待批示执法症的法理思考

    On the " Wait for instructions enforcement disease " legal thinking

  7. 等待批示灯熄灭、相机关闭。

    The indicator lamp goes off and the camera turns off .

  8. 年龄年夜的男孩批示咱们在万圣节前夜将雕像漆红。

    Older boys put us up to pointing the statue red on Halloween .

  9. 助理:十一点钟,批示玩具太空船的草图。

    Assistant : Eleven o'clock , approve the sketches for the toy spaceship .

  10. 报告上有部长的批示。

    On the report , there are the comments made by the minister .

  11. 在这台电脑中一个叫做总控的程序想一个批示官一样工作。

    In this computer a mean program called Master Control behaves like a dictator .

  12. 大批示威者目前正返回印度门。

    And by the thousands , they are now repairing back to India Gate .

  13. 预算委员会的长篇报告的梗概已提交市长批示。

    A sketch of the long report by the budget committee was submittedto the mayor for approval .

  14. 负责跟踪操作工提交的假日申请并将申请转交生产经理批示。

    Follow up of holiday requests submitted by the operators and forwarding these to Production Manager for approval .

  15. 合作模式已确定,目前等待合作方的上级单位批示。

    Co-operation have been identified , we are waiting for the instructions from the partners of the higher .

  16. 落实批示统一认识加快水土保持生态环境建设

    Implementing the Instructions and Unifying the Recognition to Speed up Soil and Water Conservation and Ecological Environment Construction

  17. 并提供文件批示处理功能,实现无纸化办公。

    Also provide document batch to show a processing function , realization have no the paper turn to transact .

  18. 各地区、各地方政府都有重要领导亲自过问,对渣土车的管理作出批示。

    Regions , local governments have an important leadership personally intervene in the management of sediment car to instructions .

  19. 然后就是两个文艺批示,江青那一套陆续出来了。

    Later he wrote the two instructions on literary and art work , and Jiang qing 's stuff began to surface .

  20. 在她前面是一个1英寸厚,2英尺高2英尺宽的【木制批示牌】。

    In front of her was a [ wooden sign ] around one inch thick and two feet by two feet .

  21. 该系统具有细粒度的访问控制和对公文及批示的加密与数字签名功能。

    There are functions of finely granular access control , encrypt and data signature of document and direction in the system .

  22. 电位滴定法比批示剂滴定法测得结果高0.42%,高效液相色谱法比电位滴定法测得结果高0.39%。

    The result of potentiometric titration is0.42 % more than indicator titration ' s.The result of HPLC is0.39 % more than potentiometric titration 's.

  23. 一定要精确的按照配方奶包装上的批示来冲调配方奶,不要用其它东西除了蒸馏水来冲调配方奶。

    Always follow the exact directions on the can of powdered or concentrated formula , and never mix formula with anything but distilled water .

  24. 皇帝对这份奏章的批示是认识到彻底处置地方土匪的必要性并直到将他们根除。

    The comment of the emperor in reply to this memorial was to recognize the need for dealing thoroughly with local bandits until they were exterminated .

  25. 他得知我写过一篇批判“水变油”的文章未能发表后,批示《科技日报》刊登。

    Informed of the fate of my article to expose the trick of water to oil , he required Science and Technology Daily to publish my article .

  26. 创新干部政绩考核制度,提高依法执政能力,是医治“等待批示执法症”的有效良方。

    Innovative cadre performance evaluation system , improve the ability to govern according to law , are healing ," Wait for instructions enforcement disease " an effective remedy .

  27. 我知道不仅是因为对方申诉,更是因为省委书记那个批示起了作用。

    I know that not only because of the other complaints , but because the instructions of secretary of the province party committee that have a role to play .

  28. 国家防汛抗旱总批示部发出预警,要求各省慎密亲密关注天色转变并采纳步履避免潜在危险的发生。

    The State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters issued a warning urging provinces to keep a close watch on the changing weather and act to avert possible danger .

  29. 随后,由副总裁(大额采购)、经理(中等规模的采购)或采购人员(小量采购)对采购申请做出批准或拒绝的批示。

    The request is approved or rejected by a vice president ( for large request ), a manager ( for medium sized request ), or by purchasing ( for small requests ) .

  30. 内部请示实现了内部请示流程的设计,实现了请示拟稿、请示核稿、部门审核、领导审核、领导批示和请示文件归档等功能。

    Internal instruct realized the internal instruct flow design and realize the empowered draft , instruct verify draft , department audit , leadership audit leadership instruction and leadership asking filing etc. function .