
  • 网络appellation;address term
  1. 网络称谓词的表现形式与规范评析

    Appraising and Analyzing the Performance Characteristics and Norms of the Network Appellation

  2. 唐代称谓词研究

    The Study of Appellation Words of Tang Dynasty

  3. 中西社交称谓词映射的价值观差异对比研究

    Comparative Study on the Value Difference in Western and Chinese Addresses

  4. 英语和汉语的称谓词差别太大了。

    English and Chinese are so different in the addressing terms .

  5. 从称谓词看中英词汇的不同寓意

    The Different Connotations of the Same Word between Chinese and English

  6. 语言接触所产生的蒙古族直系血亲亲属称谓词地区差异

    Region Differences of Mongoloid Kinsfolk Names Originated from Language Contact

  7. 传统女性称谓词的历史文化内涵审视

    Scanning the Historical and Cultural Connotation of Traditional Female Appellation

  8. 第四章,代词与称谓词。

    Chapter Four , Demonstrative pronouns and the Appellation words .

  9. 英汉亲属称谓词国俗差异研究

    Studies of cultural differences between English and Chinese kinship terms

  10. 亲属称谓词,这些我们每天都在使用的词。

    Relative term , words that we all use in our daily life .

  11. 古代官衔称谓词是古代汉语称谓系统的一个重要组成部分。

    Ancient rank appellative words is an important component of ancient Chinese appellation systems .

  12. 试论方言中亲属称谓词的变读

    A Study on the Varying Reading About the Words of Relatives Calling in Dialect

  13. 第四章通过描述陕西方言亲属称谓词中异性同称和异性混称的现象,分析陕西方言亲属称谓的性别异化以及性别倾向。

    The third chapter analyses the phonetic characteristic of the appellation words in ShaanXi dialects .

  14. 汉语称谓词来源和构成形式多种多样,不同的称谓词可以表现不同的态度和感情。

    Chinese appellations vary in their origin and formation with different attitudes and feelings they express .

  15. 汉语方言女性称谓词伯之来源考

    A Study of the Origin of " BO ", A Title for Females in Chinese Dialects

  16. 亲属容隐的合法性与合理性从俄汉民族文化看亲属称谓词的差异

    The Legitimacy and Rationality of Toleration and Concealment of Relatives On Russian-Chinese Differences in Relatives ' Appellations

  17. 这样,在翻译第二类称谓词时,可以根据其在原文中的重要性不同而采用不同的方法。

    And appellations in the second category can be treated differently according to their importance in the original text .

  18. 社会变革赋予英汉称谓词特殊的文化含义,这些含义随着时间推移产生变化。

    Special cultural meanings are given to them with social changes and will keep changing as time goes on .

  19. 称谓词本身的语言和文化特点决定了,在对其进行翻译时,必然会遇到问题。

    With the differences between Chinese and English addressing cultures , translating appellations in Hong Lou-Meng may be even harder .

  20. 谦敬称谓词是汉语的常用词汇,也是汉语重要的指称手段。

    Courtesy appellation is not only the basic lexis of Chinese , but also an important means of the allegations .

  21. 至于外来借词,则不具备这些特点。蒙古语内蒙古方言亲属称谓词中汉语借词特点

    The word loaning processes do not possess these properties . The Characteristics of Loanwords from Chinese Kinsfolk Appellation in Mongolian Dialects

  22. 这种变化主要体现在人际间、亲属间及配偶等人际间称谓词的使用上。

    The changes mainly reflect the use of the forms of addressing among people in social intercourse , between relatives or spouses .

  23. 亲属称谓词作为反映人类文化心理的特殊现象,一直是人类学家和语言学家研究的课题。

    As a special reflection of human culture psychological phenomenon , kinship term has been the study topic of anthropologists and linguists .

  24. 其次,翻译《红楼梦》中的称谓词时并不是说所有的称谓词都必须采用紧贴翻译。

    For another , translating appellations in Hong Lou-Meng does not necessarily mean that every term should be treated with close attention .

  25. 方言调查发现,汉语方言中普遍存在着亲属称谓词的变读现象。

    There exists commonly the varying reading of the words to call relatives in dialect . It is instructive to discussing this phenomenon .

  26. 第一章从语音和词汇构成两个方面分析了布依语亲属称谓词的结构形式,探究其特点并进行原因分析。

    The first chapter to analyze the kinship terms structure form , from the phonological and lexical aspects , and explore its characteristics and reasons .

  27. 岳阳柏祥方言中的亲属称谓词主要有“长辈”、“平辈”、“晚辈”三大类,经考证该方言称谓词有些沿用古代亲属称谓词。

    The appellation of the relatives are categorized into " elders "," of the same generation "," younger generation " in the dialect of Boxiang Town .

  28. 了解英汉亲属标准称谓词的差异是保证跨文化交际不可或缺的基础和语言交际顺利进行的前提。

    So from the perspective of the difference between Chinese and English culture , the essay focuses on the difference between Chinese and English kinship addressing words .

  29. 借词是语言接触的必然结果,蒙古语亲属称谓词中的汉语借词反映了蒙、汉两个民族在婚姻家庭层面上的影响特点。

    Loanword is the inevitable result of language contact . Mongolian Kinsfolk appellation words of Chinese loanword reflect the characteristics of marriage influence between Mongolian and Han .

  30. 认为同一方言内部可以通过亲属称谓词语音单位的局部变化来区别易混淆的亲属称谓。

    The author thinks that in a same dialect , confusing appellation of relatives can be differentiated by the part change of the word 's sounding units .