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chēnɡ dì
  • proclaim oneself emperor
称帝 [chēng dì]
  • [king;come to the throne] 改称号为皇帝;自称皇帝,成为最高统治者;做皇帝

  1. 在去印度的旅途中,在他称帝的早期,他被一个印度记者问到关于不丹的GDP,不丹GDP的大小的问题。

    On a trip through India , early in his reign as king , he was asked by an Indian journalist about the Bhutanese GDP , the size of the Bhutanese GDP .

  2. 自从1831年利奥波德一世(leopoldi)称帝,比利时即成为一个君主国。

    Since the installation of Leopold I as king in 1831 , Belgium has been a constitutional monarchy .

  3. 公元235年,马克西米努斯在德国负责统帅新兵团。士兵们极力拥护他称帝,并杀了当时的罗马帝国皇帝亚历山大·塞维鲁(Alexander),从而把这位巨人推向权力的巅峰。

    In 235 AD , when in command of a force of recruits in Germany , the soldiers decided they would prefer Maximinus to be their ruler , killing Alexander and putting the giant into a position of ultimate power .

  4. 1915年底,袁世凯称帝。

    By the end of 1915 , Yuan declared himself emperor .

  5. 然后,他自己称帝,攻打忽必烈。

    Then , proclaiming himself emperor , he attacked kublai .

  6. 经过多年南征北战,他终于称帝。

    He declared himself emperor after many years of fighting in the north and south .

  7. 肃宗(唐玄宗的三儿子或四儿子)之后便登基称帝,

    Suzong , ( 3rd or 4th ) son of Xuanzong , was then proclaimed emperor ,

  8. 刘备称帝后不久,病死在白帝城,临死前将蜀国的大权都交给了诸葛亮。

    Not long after he proclaimed himself emperor , Liu Bei died of illness in Baidicheng .

  9. 他从那里进入开平,5月5日他在开平称帝。

    From there he made his way to Kaiping where , on5 may , he had himself proclaimed emperor .

  10. 《大公报》创办之日,正是拥袁称帝与反袁称帝斗争酝酿之时,在反袁称帝斗争中产生了重要的历史影响。

    Dagong Newspaper was founded at a time when the struggle against Yuan Shikai 's restoration of monarchy was brewing .

  11. 刘演极力反对立刘玄,自己很想称帝,刘玄和王匡杀掉了刘演。

    However , Liu Yan disagreed with it , intending to proclaim himself emperor , so Liu Xuan and Wang Kuang killed him .

  12. 肃宗称帝后的第一道旨意就是命令将军郭子仪和李光弼处理叛乱。

    One of Suzong 's first acts as emperor was to appoint the generals Guo Ziyi and Li Guangbi to deal with the rebellion .

  13. 几乎所有的统治者都是五胡的一部分并各自称帝。

    Almost all rulers of the kingdoms were part of the Wu Hu ethnicity and claimed to be the emperors and wangs ( kings ) .

  14. 打败与其竟争的民族领袖之后,朱元璋于公元1368年称帝,建都南京,年号洪武。

    Defeating rival national leaders , Zhu proclaimed himself emperor in 1368 , establishing his capital at Nanjing and adopting Hongwu as his reign title .

  15. 1848年拿破仑三世在被选举为总统后迁居于此,并在他称帝后这里就变成了皇家宫殿。

    Napoleon 3moved in the Mansion in 1848 when he was elected president , and the house became a Royal Palace when he proclaimed himself as emperor .

  16. 拿破仑三世于1848年当选总统后也曾迁至此处,他称帝后此处即成为皇家殿堂。

    Napoleon III moved in the Mansion in1848 when he was elected president , and the house became a Royal Palace when he proclaimed himself as emperor .

  17. 有些人宣布称帝,他们国王的称号都是后世邻国追封的,比如叙利亚。。。希腊-叙利亚帝国。

    Some of them actually were then proclaimed king , with the title king by the later rulers of the neighboring areas like the Syria & Greco-Syrian Empire .

  18. 一则新闻称帝企鹅种群正在退化,因为这些鸟儿的冰雪环境正在融化,这就验证了:帝国不能建立在浮冰上。

    A news report said that the emperor penguin population is declining because the birds'icy environment is melting away . That 's right : The emperor has no floes .

  19. 308年(永嘉二年),刘渊称帝,迁都平阳(今山西临汾县),接着派大军进攻洛阳。

    In 308 , Liu Yuan declared himself emperor and move the capital to Pingyang ( southwest of now Linfen city , Shanxi ) and waged his army to attack Luoyang .

  20. 侯景见形势不利,急于称帝,于是废萧纲,萧栋自立,改国号汉,大杀萧衍子孙,此时梁已完全处于崩溃的边缘。

    Being eager to ascend to throne , Hou Jing dethroned Xiao Gang , then Xiao Dong and proclaimed to be Emperor of Han accompanied with the mass killing of Xiao9s families .

  21. 他逐步摆脱了刘玄的控制,扩大自己的势力。公元25年,刘秀称帝,史称汉光武帝。

    He gradually detached himself from Liu Xuan and extended his own influence , so that in 25 , he proclaimed himself emperor and is known in history as Emperor Guang Wu .

  22. 1368年朱元璋在应天称帝,建立明朝,始称明太祖。

    In the year of 1368 , Zhu Yuanzhang made himself the emperor in Yingtian and founded the Ming Dynasty . He was honored Ming Taizu ( the first king of the Ming Dynasty ) .

  23. 次年,刘备也在成都称帝,刘备因身为汉室宗亲,故国号仍为汉,史称蜀国或蜀汉。

    In thevfollowing year , Liu Bei declared himself Emperor of Han being descendant of former Han , which historically known as the Kingdom of Shu or Shu Han , and made Chengdu his capital .

  24. 公元907年,后梁封他为大彭郡王。隐弟刘葵继位后,扩大了势力范围,于公元917年称帝,国号越,建都广州,次年改国号为汉,史称“南汉”。

    In 907 , he was granted as King of Dapeng and his brother , Liu Ying after succeed him , extended his territory and proclaimed to be emperor of Yue in 917 with Guangzhou as capital .

  25. 他在取得宁江大捷和出河店之战胜利后,于辽天庆五年(1115)称帝建国,国号大金,年号收国。

    After his victories in Ningjiang and Chuhedian , Aguda assumed the imperial title in the 5th year of Tianqing ( 1115 ) . He named his regime the Great Jin and used Shouguo as his reign title .

  26. 司马睿称帝有赖于南方官僚士族的拥戴,东晋政权建立之初,先后平息了王敦和苏峻之乱,统治趋于稳定。

    Without the support of the southern bureaucrats and gentry-officials , Sima Rui could not have become emperor . The early years of the Eastern Jin saw a stable period after the suppression of Wang Dun and Su Jun.

  27. 后周:公元951年正月,郭威在开封称帝(太祖),国号周,史称“后周”。

    The Later Zhou : In January 951 , Guo Wei declared himself the emperor in Kaifeng and named his kingdom Zhou , in history the Later Zhou was the name of-ten referred to . Guo Wei was Emperor Taizu .

  28. 公元501年,萧道成的族弟萧衍在襄阳起兵,攻进建康,结束了齐的统治,并称帝,建立梁朝。

    In 501 , Xiao Yan , half-brother of Xiao Daocheng took the advantages of this disturbance , led an uprising in Xiangyang ( now Xiangfan City , Hubei ) , seized the capital Jiankang and named his dynasty Liang .

  29. 刘备对诸葛亮的智慧仰慕不已,以至于他临死时告诉儿子要听从诸葛亮的建议,并告诉诸葛亮,如果他儿子不行的话,诸葛亮应该称帝。

    Liu was so impressed with Zhuge ' s wisdom that on his deathbed liu urged his son to depend on Zhuge ' s advice and urged Zhuge to ascend the throne himself if the prince were unable to rule .

  30. 这期间,孙权于公元229年6月23日称帝,南方的吴享受了一段时期的稳定。

    In this period of tranquility and prosperity , on 23 of June 229 , Sun Quan assumed the imperial title for himself . Sun Quan , also called Zhong Mou , was a fonder of Wu in the southeast .