
Better known as Lee Hom to his fans , Wang said filming for the movie would be wrapped up in another two weeks .
Fe-Mn-Si shape memory alloy ( Fe-Mn-Si SMA ) occurs martensitic transformation and transformation distortion in order to adapt change of macroscopical force in the condition of exerting outside mechanical stress .
In 1948 , Casimir pointed that there is a repulsive interaction between two neutral objects on account of quantum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field . It is known as the Casimir force .
Atomic Force Microscopy ( AFM ), also named Scanning Force Microscopy ( SFM ) or Scanning Probe Microscopy ( SPM ) , was invented by Binnig et al . in 1986 .
These are known as the nine components of stress and are illustrated with reference to an infinitesimal rectangular element about a point in Figure 1.2 .
to see the sun and moon is no sign of sharp sight ; to hear the noise of thunder is no sign of a quick ear .
The research of the relationship between the accumulation of the acoustic emission signal formed in the plastic zone of the crack tip and stress intensity factor is conducted .
Internal stress , also known as residual stress , which is the inevitable and self-balancing elastic force inside material during manufacturing , is determined by the inhomogeneity of plastic deformation .
The device that imaged the dust speck is called an atomic force microscope , which maps the shape of particles in three dimensions by scanning them with a sharp tip at the end of a spring .
In light steel structure , if proper connections are made between profiled steel sheet and steel members , the sheet can resist shear force in their own plane , the shear behavior is named stressed skin diaphragm .
One third of the tensor is often called the bulk stress .
The friction force is therefore called a nonconservative or a dissipative force .
There are forces that " glue " objects together called intermolecular forces .
We might call it psychokinesis , or distant healing or something of that sort .
The anchorage force refers to the critical drawing load in the course of pull-out test in situ .
To adhere , the setae rely on small electromagnetic attractions between molecules called van der Waals forces .
One classic example is the Golden Apple snail – now cited as one of the most devastating invasive alien species .
Set of nonlinear kinematic equations concerned with wave propagation in elastic solids is derived on the assumption of linear strain in this paper .
The space scale of this nonlinear force which is called as binding force is determined by the imaginary part of the perturbed wave vector .
It is found that , between two charged particles which are perturbed rather than at rest , there is a nonlinear force binding them .
Based on the necessary conditions satisfied by stress and displacement , we analyzed symmetry and antisymmetry under the principal stress state using a computational example .
It is a form of art formulated quite early in the evolution of human history and thus acquires its long history in the music civilization of human being .
Whenever the work that is done-by a force is independent of its path it 's only determined by the starting point-and the end point that force is called a " conservative force . "
If the truss bridges accord with the above-mentioned assumptions totally , it would just have axial forces in the truss members . The stresses which caused by axial internal forces of the chords are called direct stress .
Sell-side analysts work in the brokerages , investment bankings , independent advisory institutes and buy-side analysts work in mutual fund companies , insurance companies , private fund companies .