
chēnɡ wánɡ
  • proclaim oneself king
  1. 醒来全是一场空,只是梦里称王。

    In sleep a king , but waking no such matter .

  2. 盲人国里,独眼称王

    In the kingdom of Blind men the one-eyed man is king

  3. 湖人队只要再赢一场,就可以第二次连续称王。

    The Lakers are one win away from their second successive championship .

  4. 瞎子堆里,独眼称王。

    In the kingdom of the blind the one-eyed man is king .

  5. 生在盲人国,独眼也称王。

    In the kingdom of blind men , the oneeyed is king .

  6. 在盲人的国度里,独眼龙就能称王。

    In the land of the blind , the one-eyed is king .

  7. 看来小狮子想称王了。

    Guess the young lion 's looking to be king .

  8. 为什么他能称王因为他喜欢杀戮.

    How did that ever happenBecause he loves his killing .

  9. 在一个理想世界中,称王当帝当然是桩美事。

    In an ideal world , it would be great to be king .

  10. 柯斯塔击败费瑞罗在法网公开赛称王

    Costa Beats Ferrero and Claims Crown at French Open

  11. 哈佛称王,芝加哥毫无地位。

    Harvard was queen , Chicago was nowhere .

  12. 站在粪堆上,公鸡也称王。

    A cock is bold on his dunghill .

  13. 你知道谁应该称王吗?

    Do you know who should be king

  14. 这时人们相信亚瑟称王是天意。

    Now people were convinced that Authur was pointed out by Heaven as their king .

  15. 1880年他开始称王。

    He assumed the royal title in1880 .

  16. 低产量是十分致命的,因为汽车行业是一个靠规模经济称王的产业。

    Low production is fatal , because the auto industry is all about economies of scale .

  17. 从前有一只残忍的猴王,它在喜马拉雅群山上称王。

    Once upon a time there was a cruel monkey king who ruled in the Himalayas .

  18. 东方三博士告诉希律王说他们来敬拜新生儿称王。

    The Magi or wise men tell Herod they have come to worship a baby born to be king .

  19. 自然界中只有蜂王浆中含有,因此又称王浆酸或蜂王酸。

    It exists only in royal jelly in the nature , so it is called queen acid or royal jelly acid .

  20. 我有个好提议带给我父亲一个可以令他再次称王的提议而我就是他的继承人

    I have a proposal for my father , one that will make him king again , and me after him .

  21. 一天,狮子突然心血来潮想称王,便走到森林里去。

    One day , the lion was seized by a whim to be the king , and he went into the forest .

  22. 之后,恺撒想要称王的谣言甚嚣尘上,罗马人对此深恶痛绝,元老院的不满情绪日益高涨。

    The Senate grows increasingly discontented amid rumors that Caesar wishes to be made king , which is anathema to the Romans .

  23. 王国中的众领袖同意魔术师这种确认亚瑟应当称王的计划。

    The leaders of the kingdom agreed to the magician 's plan to show that Arthur was the one who should be king .

  24. 这就像打网球一样,我不一定要成为职业选手,我也不一定要在俱乐部中称王称后。

    It is something like playing tennis . I don 't expect to be a professional player or be the champion in my club .

  25. 在丁朝之前,曾有吴权称王,但吴权从未真正统一过整个安南地区。

    Before the Ding dynasty , there had been Wu Quan , who declared lord , but he never realized uniting the whole area .

  26. 汤为部落首领17年,建商后称王13年。

    Tang had been the tribe leader for 17 years and the king of the Shang Dynasty for 13 years after he founded it .

  27. 凭着自己的聪明才智,这个新来的男孩不久就称王了,他说什么,别的男孩都听他的。

    With his great talents , the new boy soon became the top dog and whatever he said was law to all the other boys .

  28. 接着又在雅典战胜了奥运会冠军贝利而首次称王,并且夺冠的成绩为9秒86。

    Greene won the first place by 9.90 seconds . Following that , hede-feated Olympics Champion Bailey and won the title for the first time .

  29. 它们容许孩子们在马戏团里看它们耍把戏,看得哈哈大笑;甚至永远离开了它们曾经统御称王的非洲大草原。

    They permit children to laugh at their tricks in the circus , exiled from the great African plains where they once lived as lords .

  30. 这两个对头并不是一对好对手,因为他们的力量极不均衡:法兰西在陆地上称王,英格兰则在海上称霸。

    These two antagonists were poorly matched , insofar as they had very unequal strengths : France was predominant on land , Britain at sea .