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  • 网络names
  1. 波斯文为蒙元帝国的官方文字之一,时称回回字。

    In Mongol-Yuan Dynasty Persian , named as Huihui scripts , was one of the 3 official languages .

  2. 单词has被称为泡沫字&即此单词使DSL更可读但是这无助于最终定义。

    The word has is called a bubble word & a word that makes the DSL more readable but doesn 't contribute to the final definition .

  3. 组织方称,控字当选表明了公众的期待,以及政府对于这些期待所作出的回应。

    The selection of kong indicates the public ` s expectations and the government ` s efforts to respond to the expectations , the organizers ` statement said .

  4. 图像处理算法的特点决定其是内在可并行的,这种并行粒度介于数据并行(DLP)和指令级并行(ILP)之间,称之为子字并行。

    Image processing algorithms are inherently sub-word parallel ( SWP ), whose granularity is between data-level parallelism ( DLP ) and instruction-level parallelism ( ILP ) .

  5. 我称这八个字为基本字,

    I call these eight characters radicals .

  6. 大型字书贮存下来大量没有文献用例的字,这些字被称为“死字”。

    There are lots of Chinese characters , which have not been used in the ancient classics , which are called " dead Chinese characters " .